Falling in love again

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"I don't get why you are so insecure. You don't trust me?" You say pissed off. Your girlfriend has been acting strangely lately and you found out that she thinks you are cheating on her, which is just crazy.

"Then why are you coming home so late? Why have you been so mysterious about your whereabouts?" She exclaims while crying.

"I already told you! I've been working a lot lately!"

"You know what? Whatever. I don't care," She says grabbing her keys and heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" You ask frowning. She lives with you, so where would she go?

"I'm going to Kylie's. I just... I need to be alone right now," Your chest hurts. Why doesn't she understand that she is the one and only girl for you? Why is that so damn hard to understand?

You hear the front door close and then the engine of her car start. Your eyes are filled with tears and you don't know what else to do but wait for her to come back.

You fall asleep on the couch. You were tired. After all, you woke up early and worked your ass off all day, and then arguing with Kendall just exhausted you. You hear your phone buzz, you are deciding wether to pick up or leave it. You choose to pick up because it may be Kendall. You don't even look at the caller's ID, you just want the damn phone to stop ringing.


"Y/N?" A familiar voice says. She seems to be crying.


"Y/N, you have to come to the hospital, Kendall was in a car accident and she is hurt really badly," You can hear her sobbing. You stand there, shocked. Your heart is beating like crazy and all of the sudden you feel dizzy.

"But, how is she? What happened?" You manage to say.

"Please, just come to the hospital. I'll send you directions," She hangs up. You grab your keys and head to your car. You can feel your hands shaking. You drive to the hospital which is close to your condo and park outside. You get out and run to the entrance.

"I'm here for Kendall Jenner," You say to the lady on the front desk.

"Second floor and then to the right," You quickly get there and spot the Kardashian's family. Kylie spots you and runs to hug you. Her eyes are puffy and red from crying. They are all devastated.

"What happened Ky?" You ask her.

"I... We don't know. All we know is that she somehow lost control of the car and collided with a tree," Her eyes are filled with tears. "She had her seatbelt on but it was such a strong crash that she still suffered some damage. We don't have much information but the doctor said she has some broken ribs and they have to run some other studies to know if something else happened," You nod. Kylie grabs your hand and takes you to the rest of the family. You all hug and then all you have to do is wait. You somehow feel guilty because it feels like it was your fault. She was arguing with you, she was pissed off, you shouldn't have let her leave home. If she hadn't left the condo then she wouldn't be here.

You have been waiting for hours and you still haven't got any news. You know that these studies take hours. They have to check that everything works fine: kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, liver, etc. After waiting for what it feels like an eternity, the doctor comes out from the door and approaches you.

"You are Kendall's family, right?" You all nodded. "Alright, Kendall is stable right now. We have been studying her and she has some broken ribs due to the violent impact of the car. Luckily, internal organs seem to be working fine. However, we do know she hit her head really hard but we won't know if she suffers from anything until she wakes up," The doctor explained. "Also, we will be running some other studies just to be sure and if everything works fine then we will start to reduce the sedatives to wake her up,"

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