11: A Kiss On The Beach

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"Why do you care if they're a thing or not?" Akira asked curiously. Keiichiro and Yu's eyes widened. They took at glance at each other before looking away with blushing cheeks.

"No reason in particular," Yu answered awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Because we just do!" Keiichiro exclaimed in embarrassment, "You got a problem with that?"

"Nope," Ryoji answered shrugging and shaking his head. Akira stared at them for a moment before it finally clicked and he smirked at them.

"You two have a crush on her don't you?" Akira asked smirking. Keiichiro and Yu's eyes went wide.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Keiichiro replied looking away. Keiichiro knew exactly what Akira was talking about because he in fact did have a crush on Ryohei. He hadn't realized it until last night.

"Uh huh. What about you Yu?" Akira asked not really believing Keiichiro as he turned his attention to Yu.

"Well, sure I like her, but as a friend of course," Yu explained with a nervous chuckle. He had said the exact opposite of what he was actually feeling. He did have a crush on her. He had for a while now, but he felt like it was one-sided, so he chose not to say anything. Akira and Ryoji glanced at each other and then back at Keiichiro and Yu not believing a single word they just said.

"Right," Ryoji answered rolling his eyes and looking away from them. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Rika standing a few meters away from them. She was glaring at them with pure hatred in her eyes. Ryoji stared back at her. In his heart he wanted to go over there and embrace her, but in his head he wanted to punch her. He ignored the longing in his heart and turned his back to her with his arms crossed. Rei and Ryohei had long finished hugging and slowly walked over back to the others. "You two dating or something?"

"What? No!" Ryohei exclaimed shaking her head. Rei's happy expression saddened at the sound of Ryohei saying that. Keiichiro and Yu sighed in relief to hear this. Akira and Ryoji saw this whole thing.

"Well, this should be interesting," Akira commented with a small smirk. Ryohei looked at him in confusion.

"What will be interesting?" Ryohei asked curiously. Ryoji and Akira glanced from each other, to the other three, and then back to Ryohei with smirks.

"Oh, nothing," Akira responded with a chuckle. The others shrugged as they all went for lunch. They had been eating lunch together more often now. Many were jealous of Ryohei and wondered why the boys seemed so fond of her. By the end of lunch, every student in the cafeteria watched as Ryohei left with the boys following right behind her.

"What do they see in her?" One girl asked scowling.

"She seems nice," another girls responded with a shrug.

"With those guys around we can't even get close or even talk to Ryohei," one boy said with a sigh.

"I know. It's so unfair," another boys replied with a nod of agreement, "She's so cute too." Rika listened to all of this and she couldn't help, but feel jealous of Ryohei. Back at their old school both boys and girls commented on how pretty she was and how much they wanted to be like her or hang out with her. Here though, it would seem that Ryohei is the popular girl now.

"Don't forget how smart she is," a different boy added. Many nodded in agreement.

"Maybe she can help me with my homework," a girl suggested, "I'm practically failing. She's in my class and she's at the top of the class."

"I don't care about her," the dark haired girl sneered, "As long as she keeps her hands off Akira then I'll play nice." The other students looked away at this and went back to eating their food. Ryohei and the others walked to their next class. Rei, Yu, and Keiichiro all fought on who should walk next to Ryohei. Ryoji and Akira walked behind and watched all of this in amusement. Akira had to kind of drag Keiichiro away from Ryohei because they weren't in the same class as the others for third period. Ryohei and Yu sat together while Ryoji and Rei sat together. Rei glared at Yu's back all through class. Ryohei and Yu had finished their work way before everybody else.

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