Chapter Twenty - Bloody Monday

Comincia dall'inizio

Laughing, I shook my head at his behaviour and took the short drive to Zack and Liam's street.

Rosie didn't know where any of them lived, and was quite surprised to see how close we all were, or that Zack and Liam lived next door to each other.

Liam was out first of the two, grinning mischievously as he realised he was going to get the only good seat left.

Before bothering to even greet any of us, he jumped in and settled himself in his usual seat, crossing his arms and letting out a contented sigh.

''Hey guys.'' he said, once he was comfortable of course.

''Hey.'' I answered, taping my fingers impatiently on the side of the car.

''Hi.'' Rosie chirped, turning around in her seat to give him a bright smile.

''Yeo.'' Craig drawled.

Zack stumbled out of his house, clearly still either hung over, or high from the weekend.

He looked even rougher than normal, his hair a mess and his face pale.

He stormed over to the car, glaring at Liam so hard it even made me squirm. I for one know not to piss off a hung over Zack.

Liam gulped, unbuckling his belt and scooting over to the middle, leaving Zack with the good seat.

Contented, Zack opened the door, clearly in no state to be jumping anywhere, and sat down in the last vacant seat.

The guys and I knew not to bother him, but Rosie being new to our 'gang', and completely clueless, opened her mouth.

Bad move Rosie, bad move.

''Hi Zack.'' she chirped.

He turned his harsh glare to her, as I started up the car again and headed to the school.

If it weren't for the fact he would make me crash the car or something, I would have yelled at him for making her look so scared.

''Josh, shut your girl up.'' he spat, quite rudely.

Rosie was taken aback to say the least.

Hurt, shock and disbelief flashed across her features and she turned back around in her seat to face the front again.

We all cringed, and not being able to say anything, I reached over and held her hand in mine, now only using one hand to drive with.

It wasn't the easiest, the car being a manual, but I did it.

She still wasn't happy, so I gave her hand a tight squeeze, and she relaxed a bit.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Rosie was not the kinda girl, to be anywhere near us kinda guys.

She wasn't strong enough.

She couldn't take things easy like we could.

Liam and Craig started making kissing or gagging noises, doing suggestive hand motions behind our backs.

Dumb asses didn't realise that we were IN A CAR with MIRRORS.

Blushing, Rosie averted her gaze from any of us, and I just scowled at their immaturity.

I pulled the car up in our usual parking spot, and since we weren't early, we all climbed out.

Zack headed straight for the bathroom, probably to be sick.

Okay, here goes.

Taking the shades from my eyes, I placed them in the car, locking it behind me and making sure the hood was up.

Just The Girl (under editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora