The Syltherin Common Room

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Serena’s Point of View:

I sat impatiently on the edge of my bed, tapping my foot on the floor along to the tune of ‘Walking on Sunshine’ while I waited for Lxia to return from wherever she had gone to.

As soon as we had clambered up the stairs and entered the small dorm room, she had stated she had something to do before her plan and had vanished back down the stairs after making me promise to stay here.

I had no idea how long I had been waiting but every minute seemed like a lifetime, waiting for Lxia to come back and waiting for my chance to see Seth was one of the hardest things I had gone through yet in my life. She could have been doing it to annoy me but, knowing Lxia, this small period of time where I was left alone was completely and utterly necessary to her plan, so I waited.

It must have been half an hour before she had eventually returned; her breathing was laboured and her cheeks were tinted pink with coldness as she raced into the room.

Her blond hair was no longer the controlled smooth layers of loveliness that it had been before but was now a cascading bush of curls that fell like a lion’s mane around her face. The one thing that had stayed the same was her bright green eyes; the light within them seemed even brighter, sparking with joy as she broke her news to me.

“I have a way to get down to the Slytherin common room unspotted.” Lxia informed letting out a giggle as she did so.

It was then that I noticed the bound and wrapped parcel that she was clutching tightly to her chest with both arms, as if to make sure there was absolutely no way it was getting away from her.

“How?” I asked curiously.

“With this.” Lxia stated. She paused for a moment before slackening her tight grip on the parcel and unfolding her crossed arms. Her hand hovered for a moment over the decorative paper that was wrapped furiously around the parcel then she decided to pass it across to me.

Gently, I took it into my outstretched hand. First, I was shocked by how light it was, and then I felt some sort of item of clothing through the rough binding.  It was soft and moved easily with my touch, like a shirt or something made out of a material like that.

“Well open it then.” Lxia groaned. I glanced up at her to see her eyes watching me with a hint of something in them – eagerness perhaps.

A never-wavering, wide smile was stretched out on her pale pink lips, pulled up in the middle revealing a set of white teeth between them. Her grin made me nervous and excited at the same time; there was something interesting wrapped up inside this parcel, nothing else got Lxia as excited as she was now.  

Peeling back the Sellotape, I ripped away the top layer of the packet only to find another, differently-wrapped, one located underneath it. I tore off the next layer and the next until a shimmer of black fell to the floor out of my hands; a shocked expression crossed my face as Lxia and I simultaneously knelt down to the floor and ran our fingers over the enchanting fabric.

“I didn’t believe mother when she told me stories about the invisibility cloaks.” I whispered in amazement as I lifted the shining fabric and held it up to the dim light. When she had told me stories, it had always been the one about the three brothers and death, it hadn’t seemed real but now, with this before me, I couldn’t help but think it must be.

“Should we try it on?” Lxia took it from my hands and threw one end up in the air, turning on the spot as she pulled it on in one fluid movement. It floated softly down until it rested smoothly on her shoulders, or what I assumed was her shoulders because her whole lower body had vanished.

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