She disappeared and appeared inside Jitters, next to the table where her laptop is situated.

"Here. Wow."

Barry ran towards the police sirens as he heard distant voices.

What kind of a tool steals a yellow Humvee?"

"What kind of a tool buys a yellow Humvee?"

Joe and Eddie got out of their vehicle as Joe pointed out to the crowd on the sidelines.

"Get these people back."

Eddie walked over, his hands out, encouraging people to back up onto the sidewalk.

"I need everybody back!"

Joe looked out onto the street as he noticed the Humvee getting closer. A boy, headphones on staring at his screen, walking down the street as Joe shouted a warning.

"Son! Out of the way! Out of the way!"

He turned around and looked at the car, which was now just feet away from him. Paralyzed by fear, he was suddenly on the nearest fence, out of danger as a red blur pushed him out of the way.

Eddie and Joe started to fire their guns at the getaway car hoping to stop the driver with a couple bullets to the body. As Eddie started to get closer, he noticed that his bullets were sparking off the getaway driver's face.

"What the hell?"

The driver yelled as his whole face transformed into metal.

"Eddie! Out of the way!"

Joe shoved his partner onto the pavement and away from the incoming car as it crashed the police cars behind them and kept driving.

Barry ran towards the car and knocked one of the side mirrors. Stopping at the fence, he made the car swerve, with the driver's side pointing straight at him.

"Step out of the vehicle!"

"If you say so."

The driver opened the door and yanked it from it's place on the car, as he hauled and threw it at the Scarlett Speedster.


He ducked just in time as it stuck onto the fence.

Barry threw a punch at the driver as his hand craked with the impact. He noticed that his cheek had turned into pure metal. The driver turned towards the speedster with an arm in the form of metal. He backhanded him, sending him over the car's hood and onto the ground. He looked up at the unknown driver as he bend down.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating."

Barry, angrily, before the driver had a chance to take one last punch at his face, ran towards S.T.A.R. Labs with injuries too severe for him to keep fighting with.

"Check the math. Your dispersal models don't correlate."

"Uh, they do if you factor int he seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles."

Harrison Wells and Mariana joined the arguing twosome as they headed towards the Cortex, tablets in hand.

"What are we debating?"

"The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running."

Mariana stifled in a laugh as Wells responded, as calmly as possible.

"I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel."

As they walked inside, Mariana was the first to notice the Scarlett Speedster passed out on the floor.


She ran towards him as she kneeled, turning him around.

"Are you okay?"

"Thirteen fractures. That's a new record. And that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal."

Barry nodded his lip with a fresh cut as his hand was placed directly above his ribs, a metal cast holding his fingers in place.

"What exactly did you hit?"

Barry turned to look at Wells.

"A man. A big, bad man. And his skin changed when I hit him. Like it turned to metal."

"Interesting. A man of steel." Mariana frowned, looking at a bruised Barry.

"So you went after a meta-human alone?" Cisco walked over to Barry, a frown located on his face. "Dude, why didn't you call us?"

"I didn't know what he was. Besides, I was.. off-duty."

Barry sat on the edge of the bed, his back turned to Caitlin and Mariana. He turned around to see Caitlin with a smug smile on her face, pain setting into his body.


"Lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back."

Barry shook his head, staring off into the distance.

"Strange thing is I feel like I knew him."

"What do you mean?"

"He said something that was familiar." Barry paused, letting his words sink in as he continued. "But he's gonna hurt someone. So how do I fight a guy that's made of steel?"

"We'll find a way." Mariana nodded.

"Tonight, you heal."


Barry laid back down as he dozed off, thinking of his latest fight and how he was going to approach Joe about it.

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