Chapter 1 - Welcome Home

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A/N: This is a sequel to my book The Easy Way Out. If you haven't read that one, I would kindly suggest you do so you're not lost.

Thank you and I love you guys!!!

***Bea's POV

We are home.

Harry parks our newly purchased Honda Odyssey, that we absolutely love, in the driveway and takes the key out of the ignition.

And he huffs a sharp breath.

I can tell he is relieved.

The forty-five-minute drive was slow; slower than the right-hand lane would allow.

And we were in the right-hand lane.

Impatient drivers passed us, letting us know their horns worked. One even demonstrated that his middle finger worked as well.

But I didn't let it get to me because my husband was driving me and our second child home from the hospital.

I honestly can't believe how lucky I am. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter and now a handsome little boy.

My heart is overjoyed and my world is complete.

Harry unbuckles his seatbelt and clips his sunglasses to the visor.

I catch his glance in the rearview mirror and we smile.

"We're here, Love," Harry turns to face me. "Is he asleep?"

I keep eye contact as I smile and nod.

Lord knows I'm not waking up this baby.

Harry turns back around and opens his door to step out.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and tighten my ponytail. I'm more than ready to get inside the house.

I'm exhausted and in so much pain that just the very thought of laying down in my bed nearly has me salivating.

All I want is a heating pad on my lower back and a pillow between my legs.

And something to eat.

But I know as soon as we get inside that my full attention will be on my newborn son.

And I'm more than fine with that.

Harry opens the sliding door on Sebastian's side and pulls the canopy over the car seat.

"Bea," Harry whispers as he unlocks the car seat, "do you need help getting out?"

I nod and look away.

I'm embarrassed. This pregnancy and birth knocked me for a loop.

With Ferris, our two-year-old daughter, I only gained twenty-three pounds. But with this nine-pound linebacker, I put on a whopping fifty-three pounds.

I feel like a whale.
A disgusting, fat, beached whale.
A whale that's sitting on a donut pillow.

Well, isn't that a sexy image? Not. Harry will never want to have sex with me again.

Before my mind can spiral deeper into that depressing thought, Harry touches my shoulder.

"It's okay, Bea," his hand caresses me and I finally look at him. "I want to help you."

"Okay," I smile softly. "I love you."

Harry whispers he loves me as he wraps his hand around the car seat handle, taking it with him. He presses the button and the sliding door closes as he walks around to my side.

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