{43} Savannah

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Savannah sat with her little friend group in history class. her arm propped up on the table with her chin resting in her hand. Her mind in a daze as she looked across the room at her crush and current obsession.

Despite her being a sophomore, she was literally one of the most popular and 'worshipped' girls in the whole school. She had all the boys wrapped around her finger, willing to do and buy her anything she asked for. She didn't particularly care for the girls in her little friend group, but if they had a lip gloss or mascara she liked, they'd give it to her in a heart beat in fear she would unfriend them otherwise. Her makeup was always considered perfect (Although it was a little too much) and she always wore the newest Louis Vuitton merchandise. Of course she didn't have a job, so her parents bought her everything she wanted.

Out of all the boys she could have as her boyfriend, she was after Mark. It was unfortunate, really. She was turned on by his deep voice, the way his long, wavy black hair flowed perfectly down past his shoulders when he wore it down, or even when it was in a messy bun. She loved his style and how athletic and physically fit he was. His smooth face, deep tanned skin, and the perfect structure of his jaw.

The only thing that was coming between her and a possible relationship with Mark was Jack, but he wasn't in their history class, so what better time to flirt with him than now?

Savannah Looked at her reflection in her phone screen, making sure her lipstick and hair were perfect before she strutted over the Mark and Jett's table.

"Hey, Mark." She smiled, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she sat down in a free chair next to him.

Without looking up from what he was doing, he replied a simple, "Hey."

Savannah leaned closer, eyeing whatever he was drawing on the white sheet of paper in front of him. "I like your drawing."

"Umm," Jett cut in. "That's a blueprint."

Mark laughed at Jett's obvious negative attitude towards Savannah.


"Engineering." Mark flinched a little, hesitantly pulling his arm away from Savannah's touch as he felt her long, red nails graze his skin.

"So, Mark..." She changed the subject. She glared at the boy sitting on Mark's other side, who rolled his eyes. "Are you guys going to the pep rally on Friday?"

Mark shrugged. "Eh, yeah, probably."

"Great, I'll see you there, then." She grinned, getting up from her seat. She quickly smoothed out her skin tight dress, her heels clicking against the hard tiles on the floor as she walked back to her group, making sure to sway her hips in the process in hopes of getting attention.

Jett raised an eyebrow in confusion, turning to Mark, who simply smirked and shrugged his shoulders. 


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