{6} Idea

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Most students hung out in the hallways at Mariemont High School during the lunch period since most people were too grossed out by the free "food" that was served daily in the cafeteria. The school was pretty big for it's decently sized attendance with about 120 students per grade level.

"So, you guys going to homecoming?" Ronnie asked the Irish boy who was walking beside him.

"I'm not sure. Mark hasn't even asked me if I want to. I don't think he's planning on going but I kind of wanted to..." Jack looked down at his loosely tied red converse. "Are you going?"

"Not if nobody asks me." Jack always thought Ronnie was really beautiful. His short black wavy hair, long eyelashes above his bright green eyes and freckles that complimented his smooth baby face. But what Jack found the prettiest about Ronnie was his skin. His skin was a very light shade of brown, almost a deep tan color that slightly contrasted with a skin condition- Vitiligo, which made the skin on his hands a pale white, along with other various sized patches on his body.  Jack also appreciated the fact that he and Ronnie were the same height and had the same style. He thought It was nice to have someone else look like a 13 year old besides himself.

"You could ask someone."

"I kinda really want Jett to ask me but I don't think he likes me." Ronnie blushed, pulling on a loose string that was on his green sweatshirt.

"Have you ever talked to him?" Jack leaned against the row of lockers outside the gym.

"No, I don't think he knows I exist."

This sparked an idea in Jack's brain.

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