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**Chapter song: Hush by Automatic Love letter ..listen to it at the end and you'll get why this is the chapter song

***Mike's POV**

"I can't believe we have to be up early for this shit!" I was sittting around waiting for the interviewer to set up when all I wanted to do was be asleep in my bed. My head was pounding from too much Jack, last night.

"Chill, dude! Told you not to drink so much last night!" Vic says in a bossy tone. Always the big brother.

"I'm gonna head back to the bus to get some Tylenol for my head and maybe another Corona. Wanna come?"

*Kellin's POV**

"What the hell?!" I hear a familiar voice and immediately think, 'Shit!' I feel Dez push me off her quickly and straighten herself.

"Are you serious, Dez?" the voice said.

"Um ...its...I'm..." she stutters for an explanation.

"Look bro, it was my fault. I kept pushing and pushing until she gave in."

"I should kick your ass but I'm not."

"Dude seriously i—" I tried to reason with him. I stepped closer trying to talk his anger down. He pushed me against the door roughly.

"Get the fuck out of my face, Kellin! I can't believe you would do this shit!"

"I'm sorry. Really."

"Just leave! Now!" I look at Dez but shes looking down with a sad look on her face. I sigh and turn to walk out disappointed.

**DeZ's POV**

"So do you have anything to say?" I look up at Mike, embarrassed and not knowing what to say. What could I say that would make it okay? Oh my god! He's going to tell Vic!

"Mike I ... I... I don't know what to say."

"Why would you do this to my bro?" He looked at me waiting for an explanation that I didn't have. I didn't know why I do what I do or why when Kellin is around I lose my head.

"How long has this been going on? You and Kellin?"

"Not long. It just happened a couple times. I really didn't mean for it to, Mike. Please, don't tell your brother. I don't want to hurt him."

"You don't want to hurt him? " He scoffs. "You sure have a funny way of showing it? If you didnt want to hurt him, you wouldn't be making out with his best friend and on our bus. You didn't even have the decency to take it to Sleeping's bus. "

"I deserve that! I do! And I really do care about Vic. I just, I don't know. I don't have an excuse."

"Are you going to leave my brother for Kellin?"

"What?" His question comes as a shock.

I mean, I never thought of leaving Vic for Kellin, yet I keep getting drawn to Kellin and his magnetic personality. Did I really want to be with him over Vic? I don't know. I didn't think I did.

"No! I care a lot about Vic. Kellin....was just fun. He's just someone to have fun with, that's it but I'm done with him. I promise." Deep inside I didn't know if I really meant that.

Something kept pulling me to Kellin and if he was just fun why did my heart hurt to say those words. I needed to be logical though. Kellin wasn't trying to have anything serious.

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