Play the Victim

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**Kellin's POV**

Dezirae's eyes fly open and I see her body stiffen. She scoots away from Vic quickly.

"Kellin? What?" She has a look of shock on her face. It probably matches mine. I can't believe what I just saw. Vic about to kiss MY GIRL! Well she wasn't mine but he knew how I felt about her and I thought she felt the same. How could she give in so easy to someone else? One day with him and she's kissing him already?! What the hell? Anger starts to replace shock.

"Jack invited me to the party. Is that a problem?" I snap back. She's taken back by my sharp tone.

"Um.. No. .. Not at all" she stutters. She moves away from Vic as she turns red.

"You okay, man?" Vic asks as I get in and sit down.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I turn around to face Jack "Let's go get this party started!" I need a drink bad and just want to get her off my mind.

Screw them! Both of them! Vic is supposed to be my friend and he made a move on the girl I wanted. Fuck him! I feel the anger building up but don't let it show. I try to act like sitting across from Dez with Vic's arm around her doesn't bother me.

The whole ride I make conversation with everyone else. Dez is quieter than usual and doesn't say much. I notice Vic place his hand on her leg and she jumps. Good I hope she feels bad about leading me on and breaking my heart.

"Hell yeah! Here we go!" Jacks yells at we all turn to see the building where the party looks to be in full swing. I can hear the bass of the music inside. We all pile out of the car.

"Ready for the time of your life." Jacks says as he puts his arm around Jessa.

"First stop! I need alcohol in my system!" Vic puts his hand in my arm.

"Hey Kells! CAN I talk to you real fast?"

I notice he's by himself and Dez has already joined her friend Krista and Bri who had been here with the rest of the guys.

"Yeah sure! What's up?" I try to sound nonchalant

"Look bro! I need to know your cool with me and Dez if something happens. I like her a lot! I didn't mean for it to happen but well.... She's amazing!" No shit! I think to myself as he continues, "if you want I'll back off." Great! So I can look like the ass when you turn her down! I do the only thing I could think

"Naw, dude its cool we're just friends!" He smiles and I see a look of relief cross his face.

"Im glad you're not mad. You know you're my best friend and I'd hate to do anything to hurt that" Great! Now I feel like the ass I am for being pissed.

"Well, let's go get this started" he takes off after Dez and her friends and I'm left standing there. Fuck! I need a drink! I head inside and see Gabe and Jack pouring some Deleon shots.

"Kells!!" They shout in unison "Here take one!" He hands me one of the shots. "Here's to new friends and old friends!" I throw back the shot and feel the burning sensation of the liquor run down my throat. That burn is actually a welcoming feeling.

"Another one, boys!" I slam down my shot glass.

"Hell yeah! That's my boy!" Shouted Gabe as he poured another round of shots. I threw them back one after the other not caring if I was getting drunk or how I would feel tomorrow. I just wanted to numb my brain and my heart. Jaime and Tony walk over and are noticeably drunk.

"Who wants to get their butt whooped in some beer pong?" Slurs Tony high fiving Jaime in the process.

"Man I can whoop you all" I challenge as I stand up. "Come on boys!" I gesture for Jack and Gabe to follow me as I follow Tony and Jaime to another room.

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