Stomach Tied In Knots

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***Jessa POV****

"Get up Dez!" I said shaking her.

"I think she needs air. Everyone back up!" Krista yelled as she spread her arms and pushed. The music had stopped on stage and i heard Kellin announce for everyone to make way. I watched as the crowd spread out and formed a path for security to get to Dez. A huge pile of bald muscles wearing a shirt that said SECURITY appeared. He scooped her up like she was a rag doll and started walking out the crowd.

"Hey wait for us!" Bri yelled.
All three of us followed behind him. Please just let her be okay I think to myself. I knew we should have ate before we came. Damn Bri! We followed security backstage passes where the meet and greet had been and to a room in the back. A sign on the door said Green Room. Security kicked the door open with his foot and laid her on the couch.

"I'm going to get her some water. Anyone else need anything?" He asked.

"No thank you." I replied not able to think what we could need right now.

"Bring a wet cloth or something." Krista stated taking charge.

"Yes ma'am." And with that muscles walked away.

"I think she is just overheated and dehydrated" Krista said, shaking her again "Dez! Hey, get up!"

She groaned, moving a little bit then a funny thing happened. Was she smiling? What the hell?
Oh, hell no! I know she's playing with us.

"Hey! Get up!" But she didn't reply just laid there with a dumb smile on her face.

"You think she's dreaming?" Asked Bri

"Maybe." Answered Krista.

"About what? She cheesin it pretty big." I said as I looked at my passed out friend.

*****Dezirae POV*****

As I opened my eyes i just saw all my friends staring down at me confused. I looked around and we were back in the green room. I was laying on the couch that Kellin had offered me to lay on earlier.

"What happened?" I ask still feeling a little fuzzy.

"You passed out in the middle of the crowd and Kellin stopped the whole show so you can be taken backstage." Answered Jessa.

"And man I have no clue what you were thinking when you were out but it must have been good cuz you were smiling away."
I blushed remembering a slight dream about Kellin. Did I say anything out loud? I sure hope not or I'll never hear the end of it.

"So what was it?" She asked curiously

"Ohhh, I don't remember." I try to laugh it off.

"Here you go." The security guy said, handing us waters.

"Thank you!" I grab one and sip it slowly. No need to get sick all over their green room.

"Sorry, I made y'all miss the show." I say apologetic.

"Girl, its okay! You had us worried!" Exclaims Krista with a serious face.

"I'm okay! Why don't ya go finish watching the show?" I hated that they were missing their favorite bands because of me. I don't know why I always seem to screw things up.

"We can't leave you!" Bri exclaims but I could tell that she wanted to go back out there.

"Its okay! No need in all of us missing it." I smile. My friends look at each other and exchange glances.

"GO! I'll be fine! I have security to babysit me" I laugh as I nod my head toward the big muscular guy, who looks like he should be a WWE wrestler.

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