Not Drunk Enough

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***Dezirae POV****

I didn't realize I had ran so far until I actually calmed down and stopped. I didn't recognize anything around me. I had just ran like Forrest Gump. All I could think was I had to get away from Kellin and the hotel. I needed time to clear my head and with him around I couldn't think straight.

I can't believe I kissed him! What was I thinking? How could I have been so dumb? I got so caught up in the moment. The garden, his eyes, the way his arms felt around me, and those soft, tantalizing lips of his. God he was an amazing kisser!

Stop! I won't fall for him! I refuse to be another one of his conquest. I pull my phone out to check the time and see I have twenty missed calls and ten texts. I open them up and see four from Kellin, two from Jessa, two from Krista and two from Bri. I open the girls first.

Where are you?
I'm worried about you!!

You better call us back!
Where the hell are you? Kellin is flipping out!

What happened? Call me!
Hello! Why aren't you answering? Your lover boy is flipping out.

I hesitate before I open his messages. What could he want? He wasn't worried about me like my friends. I mean he barely knew me so how could he be that concerned. I tap the screen to open his messages:

Dez why did you run away? Was it something I did? Did I make a mistake?
Dez I don't know what happened but we can talk about it.
Please answer me!
Dez! Please call me, I need to talk to you!

My phone vibrated and I receive another message from him.

At least let me know you're alright.

Hell no, I wasn't alright! I was confused and didn't know what to say or do. I looked around and noticed a small hole in the wall bar a few feet away. It looked like one of those local places where you could go and get advice and everyone knew you. It was red brick with a wooden door and had an old school awning over it.

Maybe I just need a drink. That will help me think and then I'll call him and the girls. Or at least the girls, I really didn't want to talk to him right now. I crossed the street and walked up to the door. Did I really want to go in? I sighed. What's there to lose? I say and open the door.

Inside the lights were dim and old school music was playing. There was a couple at a table in the corner unaware of anyone but each other, a few old men at a table talking about wives and how things were back in the good ole days, and a bunch of girls at another table that looked a little tipsy while some guys flirted with them with little success.

I walk over to the bar and sit down next to a guy about my age wearing jeans, converse, and a hoodie.

"Can I have a Jack and Coke?" I ask the bartender, a young girl with short hair on one side and long hair on the other.

"Can I see ID, hun?" She says skeptical. Shit I left everything at the hotel. All I had was my credit card that thank God I had slipped in my pocket.

"Damnit! Sorry I forgot it at the hotel." I say disappointed.

"Come on, Raven! She looks legal to me. Let the girl have a drink." says the guy beside me.

"Shut up! Everyone looks legal to you, Jesus! That's why you don't work here anymore." she yells at him.

"Just give her a drink! She obviously needs one." He says. She looks me over again and then smiles.

"You're right! Looks like you had a hard day." she says as she mixes the Jack and Coke then slides it over. "Guy problems?" She asks.

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