Time of Your Life

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***Dezirae POV *****

As we walked out I couldn't help but turn and shyly wave to Kellin. What is wrong with me? He doesn't like me like that. He was just being nice. That's what he does. Duh. He probably already forgot about me. Last thing I need is another guy. Oh my gosh, what am I thinking? I need to get a grip.

"If I didn't know better I would say Kellin was flirting with you Dez." Brittny proclaimed.

"No way!! He was just being nice cause he thinks I'm a fan." I laugh trying to act nonchalant.

"No! He was flirting! Did you see how he always ended up by you and couldn't keep his eyes off you." stated Krista.

"Oh my God! Y'all need to stop! Y'all are definitely reading too much into it. You crazy fan girls."

"Did y'all notice how someone else couldn't keep their eyes off him either" Jessa eyed me, smirking.

"What?! Your crazy!" I said feeling my cheeks turn pink.

"Uh huh."she said, not convinced.

"I don't see how you noticed all that when you were so busy making googly eyes at Jake...Jack, whatever his name is!" I say smirking back. She didn't reply. Thank god for the loud music outside, so even if she did, i couldn't hear it. Security lead us to the front of crowd, opened the gate in front and let us in. True to Kellin's word, we were dead and center in front of stage. I smiled thinking of him. Ugh! I need to stop. Just enjoy my self and forget about Kellin Quinn. I can't let Jessa be right.

****time lapse****

As Mallory Knox finishes up their set, I feel the crowd start pushing and getting rowdy. I am hot and thirsty but don't want to leave the front because I'm actually having a great time. Both bands have rocked, so far.

"Sleeping with Sirens is next!" Jessa yelled, over the crowd. I smile as the memory of Kellin pops in my head.

"Why you smiling?" Jessa asks smirking.

"I'm having a good time!" I yell back.

"I told you! Better get my ten dollars ready!!" She says laughing

"I got us front row service! That's better than ten dollars" I remind her

"Got a point there! How about a date with Jack?" I must have made a weird face because she added quickly "Just kidding!"

As the lights go off, I see movement on stage and the crowd goes crazy. I see the shadows of the band getting in position for the show but I don't see Kellin. I scan the dark stage wondering where he could be.
"KELLIN!!" Someone screams behind me. I look hoping maybe that would summon him magically. Why am I so eager to see him?

Its completely dark and the crowd is at the verge of rioting then I hear a voice from the side start singing and in a instant everything explodes. Lights start flashing all around and smoke is shooting up into the air. The band is jumping around the stage and then I lock eyes with the one person I was trying not to think about. He smiles and continues singing

Fuck you and your opinion
How could you be so blind?
What goes around
Comes back around in time

You don't know shit
You don't know shit about me
You don't know shit, shit, shit
Don't know a goddamn thing about me

The crowd around me is going crazy! Everyone around me screams the lyrics in unison with the band. Song after song the band plays and every time those gorgeous blue green eyes lock onto mine. I feel my heart racing and jump around like all the other girls going crazy over him. I feel like a fangirl and I really like their music. Why haven't I listened to them before? Everyone's getting worked up all around me. The energy is amazing. Kellin is getting crazy on stage too spinning and jumping around. He runs to the front of the stage as the song ends and stands on the platform looking out at the crowd. He stops for a second to slow down the energy.

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