The Other Side

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**Dezirae POV***

"You should have seen his face." laughed Jessa. I faked a laugh so she would think I was paying attention but nothing gets by Jessa.

"You're not even listening are you? That was the fakest laugh ever." She turns and gives me a look.

We just made up after she told me she went off on me that night I was drunk and I didn't want to fight again. I know she was saying something about when her and Jack went out. I started to listen but I got lost in my own thoughts.

"Sorry Jess just thinking about today." I say apologetically. I had spent all day with Vic. I couldn't help but smile.

"You seriously don't know how to skate?" Vic says in disbelief.
"No, not really." I laugh.

"I'm teaching you! Let's go get some boards!" He says grabbing my hand and running towards the store. We were by the river and had been walking around looking at vendors when Vic saw a skate shop. Which brought on the current conversation. Once inside he pulled me straight toward the boards.

He starts examining the different boards on display. "We can start with a long board because its easier to balance."

His gaze scans all the boards on the wall then stops on one with sugar skulls and roses"How about that one?"

"I believe your bias to that design." I tell him knowing that his band had that design on some of their merch. He laughs and playfully pushes me.
"Get out of here!"

After picking out trucks and wheels and bearings for some boards in which I had no clue what we were doing. Vic finally said, "Let's go!"

*** Couple hours later***

"I think I got it now!" I told Vic. He had been trying to get me to learn to balance myself on the board for hours but as I told him I am the clumsiest person but he insisted that I could do it. I had fallen off I don't know how many times but he was there to catch me every single time. Now I think I can do it by myself.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah let's cruise!" I say eager to try this out.

"Okay then," he says "where we going?"

"Let's cruise down the river and see what's going on!" I say confident at showing off my new skills. Probably a little too confident.

We cruised for about an hour checking out the music that was playing and stopping at different vendors that were selling different crafts and odd things. I was having a good time and Vic kept me laughing.

He was so down to earth and well ...normal. No smooth lines. No moves. If I didn't know he was in a band I would never have guessed. I must have been too deep in thought because next thing I knew I was flying through the air off my board and landed so hard on the concrete it knocked the wind out of me. I pushed myself up off the floor as Vic ran up to me.

He looked me over checking my head "Are you ok? Did you hit your head?"

"Just bumped it a little. Think my body got the most damage." I say still slightly out of breathe.

"Can you breathe?"

"Yeah I can now! The wind got knocked out of me for a minute but I'm good."

"You sure?" I look at him. He looks so concerned and worried. Why didn't I notice how beautiful those chocolate brown eyes of his were?

We stared at each other and I don't know what was happening but I felt something tugging at my insides. He leans closer then someone nearby speaks breaking whatever was in the air "Dude you okay that was an ugly fall!"

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