Kissing In Cars

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**A/N Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope it was amazing! What'd everyone get? Anything good? Let me know! Plus thanks to everyone reading this story I appreciate y'all very much.Comment and let me know what you think or suggestions! **

"Just make sure, I know what I'm doing." Vic says to Jaime, who is wearing a look of uncertainty, as I walk up behind him.

"What's going on?" I ask being nosy causing both guys to jump.

"DEZ!" Vic yelled " Didn't hear you walk up. long you been there?"

"I just got here" I laughed as Vic breathed a sigh of relief. "Why? Was this top secret information y'all were discussing?"

"You'll find out soon enough? " Jaime winked at me as Vic scowled at him.

"I'll see you in a bit, bro." he said to Vic and walked off.

"What was that about?" I asked as Vic turned back around to face me.

"Nothing just Jaime being wierd, you know." He shrugged, "So you excited for the show?"

"Hell yeah! This is the first time I get to watch from the side of the stage."

"Well we have a special surprise in the show tonight."

"Really? What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." He laughed. That just made my anticipation for the show to start higher.

"When does this thing start?" He laughed again at me obviously entertained by my eagerness.

"Just be patient! It will start soon enough! I'm going to go check to see that everyone is good and has what they need. You going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll go find Jessa." He waved and went in the direction of Pierce's dressing rooms.

Great! Now I needed to find my way around this maze of backstage. Maybe I should have asked Vic where Sleeping's dressing room was. Screw it! I'll explore until I find it. I was wondering about five minutes when I saw Kellin and Justin talking quietly.
"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Well, yes! Why wouldnt you?"

"That's going to be a big surprise but go for it!"

"Hope-" Justin cleared his throat interrupting Kellin and nodded his head in my direction as I got closer.

"Hey guys! Have y'all seen Jessa?"

"Hey Dez! Nope, probably with Jack. Have you checked the green room?" I laughed.

"Well, no. I was kinda lost. So what are y'all planning?"

"Nothing just a surprise," winked Justin.

"Is it the one that Pierce is doing during the show?"

"What do you mean?" Asked Kellin.

"What surprise?"

"I don't know. They said, they had one but wouldn't tell me." They both looked at each other then at me.

"Um, we gotta go get ready. We'll see you later. Come on, Kells." Justin said pulling Kellin along.

"You don't think."

"No." I heard them say as they walked away. I sighed.

Okay, well still no one told me where the green room was. Why was everyone acting so crazy. Maybe they are just nervous for the show or something.

I continued wondering the halls until I found a door with a sign that said Green Room. Finally! I pushed it open and found Gabe, Jack, Jessa, Nick, Tony , Mike and Raven.

Fall Down, Fall DownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora