BulletProof Love

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**Dez's POV**

I walked beside Vic still trying to catch my breathe. What the hell just happened? I mean I know what happened.

I was just in shock from hearing Kellin tell me he loved me. A smile spread across my face remembering how my heart fluttered when I heard those words.

"I love your beautiful smile, Mi amor." Vic's voice broke through my thoughts as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

I was pulled out my thoughts and brought back to reality. Back to my boyfriend and back to this awful feeling that I just did something wrong but it felt right.

"What's wrong?" Vic asked me.

"Nothing, just a little tipsy, you know." I laugh a little. "Where are we going?"

"Back to the bus. We got an early interview in the morning."

I'm laying here wide awake. Vic is snuggled up close to me sleeping. He looks adorable, I admit but all I keep thinking about is Kellin.

My mind keeps replaying the feel of his lips on mine and when he told me he loved me. I feel so bad. I have the sweetest boyfriend yet I'm thinking about another guy. What kind of person am I? I have to make this right but how?

"Mi amor." I hear Vic say sleepily, "what's the matter?"

"Just can't sleep." I need to tell Kellin, this has to stop and he needs to stay away. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Let me go with you." Vic says as he sits up and stretches.

"No, its okay! You need to rest for tomorrow."

"I can't let you walk around alone."

"I'll be fine. I'll just stay by the buses."

He looks at me, debating whether to get up or not. In the end, sleep won.
"Please, be careful mi amor and don't be long." He pulls me to him and gives me a quick peck.

"I won't, I just need to clear my head."

I walk thru the bus, hearing Jaime snore and all the other guys asleep. I open the bus door and go into the night.

Hopefully, Kellin's still awake. Hopefully, the other guys aren't there. This ends tonight.

It has too. I wonder through the rows of buses until I find Sleeping's bus. I take a deep breathe and knock. What if he hasn't come back from the bar yet?

I hear a voice say something but it's muffled. I knock again, unsure if they said to come in.

"Come in. Its open!" That was definitely Kellin.

I turn the knob and walk in. I see Kellin at the mini bar mixing a drink. He turns around and a look of shock crosses his face as he sees me.

"We need to talk." I say quietly.

"Umm...ok..you want a drink?" He holds up his drink.

"Yeah, sure." He hands me his drink then turns to make himself another. I sit down and take a drink. Kellin comes around and sits by me.

"What you wanna talk about?" He says. I take another drink as I try to calm my nerves.

"So, I just came to let you know that..." Kellin is sitting there staring at me with those blue green eyes and I can't help but become mesmorized by them. Was I really gonna walk away from him?

Could I stay away? No, I had to! For Vic! No exception! "I think, its best that we don't talk anymore!"

"What? Are you serious?"

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