Stay Away From My Friends

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**Jessa POV***

"You know Jessa you really are quite beautiful." Kellin whispered as he smiled that gorgeous smile of his that I would have fallen for not that long ago.

"Thanks." I say looking down not sure what brought on this sudden attraction. He lifts my face up to look into his blue green eyes. So many times I had wanted to be in this situation but now all I could think of is Jack.

"So beautiful." He whispered as he crashed his lips onto mine. Oh no! This isn't right! I saw Jack's sad face flash in front of me. What would he think if he walked in. i don't respond hoping he'll get the hint and stop.

I keep my lips clamped shut trying to avoid the mixed up thoughts in my head. I felt his tongue slowly pushing for entry but kept my mouth clamped then he did something unexpected he gently bit my lip.

That pushed me over the edge and i slowly gave in to his soft, needy kisses. Kellin pulled me closer to him and then the kiss got deeper. Dezirae! Oh no! What would she think?

"Kellin." I whispered against his lips trying to pull away.

"Shhh." he pulled me closer and pressed his lips onto mine harder then I heard Jack's voice ring out.

"What the fuck! Kellin!" I felt someone pulled Kellin away from me. I opened my eyes and saw Jack slam him against the wall. I couldn't let them fight! I honestly don't think Kellin meant it.

"JACK! STOP! HE'S DRUNK!" I yelled at him.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" He yells then punches Kellin in the mouth. I see blood and grab Jack. "STOP!"

"Now, you're defending him?!" He looks at me with so much anger.

"No! I'm not! He's your friend, Jack. At least talk to him." I go to hold him trying to calm him down as the other guys check Kellin who seemed to have blacked out.

"Leave me alone!" Jack pushes me away from him. "I can't believe you would let him kiss you." He says quietly but in a harshly. Hurt and disbelief crosses my face and my temper flares.

"I didn't let him! He threw himself on me!" I shout at him. How the hell is he going to assume anything about me? What gave him the right?

"You didn't seem to be putting up a big fight." He said sarcastically accusing me. His comment made me angry not only at him but at myself because I gave in so easily.

"You're an asshole! Maybe you should tell your friends to keep their hands off your girlfriend!"

"Maybe I need new friends and a girlfriend!"

"Maybe you should!" I screamed back then instantly regretted it. A hurt look crossed his face.

"Is that what you want?" He asked softly begging me with his eyes. The look in those eyes and the way his face fell in defeat told me that isn't what he wanted.

"No I don't. I was just mad at you for yelling at me!"

"Well I can't believe you would kiss Kellin." I sighed loudly. "Jack, I was trying to stop him! He just wouldn't! I don't know what came over him. He's just really drunk!"

"Why do you keep defending him?" I could see anger rising in his eyes.

"I'm not defending him I just think you need to talk and find out what happened. Y'all have been friends for too long."

I wrap my arms around him and look up into his eyes. "Plus I think you're ten times hotter than Kellin," He smiles and leans down to kiss me. "And a better kisser." he chuckles against my lips as we kiss again.

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