Don't Say Anything

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***Jessa POV***

I opened my eyes, confused of where I was. I looked around and realized I was lying or should I say squeezed into Jack's bunk. He had most of his body on mine while he softly snored in my ear. I tried to move him without waking him because he looked so peaceful. He opened one eye.

"Morning, gorgeous." He smiled, opening both eyes. "Where you think you're going?"

"To pee." I smirked trying to scoot out.

"I don't think so." He hugged me tighter pinning me down.

"Seriously. I will pee on you." He smirked and then started tickling me. I just want to pee! I tried pushing him away but couldn't stop laughing.

"Stop....seriously....omg Jack!"He released me, laughing as I ran toward the bathroom.

Feeling so much better, I started thinking of ways to get him back and was so deep in thought I ran into Kellin. "Hey Jessa!"

I ignored him and continued back to the bunk. No way I was going to forgive him for being such an ass to Dez. "Hey! Can't we be friends?" I stopped and glared at him.


"For Jack's sake at least. You already punched me and Dez forgave me. Why are you still mad?"

"Because you're a dick, Kellin! But you know what I'll tolerate you for Jack and for peace on this tour but we're not friends!"

"What did I do for you to hate me so much?"

"You talk shit to my best friend. who was in love with you. Then when your done with her, you go and pick up another one of our friends!"

"Krista and m-" I cut him off because he was ruining my good mood and I didn't feel like wasting my time. I can't believe i used to idolize this jerk.

"Save it!" I walked off toward the bunks.

"Is everything okay? You look upset?" Jack asked looking at me with a concerned look. I guess I looked annoyed.

"Its nothing, just talking with Kellin."

"Did he say something to you?" I could see him ready to jump up and be my knight in shining armor. The image of him defending my honor like in the old days made me laugh.

"No, just agreeing to disagree. We've called a truce, kinda" I leaned over to kiss him. "Enough about him you owe me for almost making me pee myself."

"Oh yeah! What'd you have in mind?" He grabbed me and pulled me on top and slammed his lips onto mine. "Still want payback?"

"Uh huh." I hummed against his lips.

"HEYYY! TIME TO GET UP!" Gabe pulled curtain back on the bunk as Jack groaned.

"Can't a guy make out with his girlfriend in peace?"

"No. Get up and make me some bacon, dude!"

"Good idea Gabe! Make me some too babe."

"You make it woman!"

"Who you calling woman!?"

"I was talking to Gabe.

"Giddy up horsey boy."

"I'm going to go see what Krista's doing and leave you two alone." I winked at Gabe.

"Don't hurt him too bad." I couldn't help but laugh at those two and think this will be a good tour with these two around.

I made my way to the back room where Krista was staying and heard talking. I could almost bet Kellin was in there. I can't believe these two. I slid open the door and saw him sitting on the bed with her, looking upset. They both looked up at me when they heard the door slide open.

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