Bittersweet Symphony

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***Kellin's POV***

"There you are!" I hear Jessa's voice. How the hell did she find us?

"See they look like they are fine!" Says Jack.

"Told you guys no problems!" States Justin.

"Looks fine to me, too" I hear Mike. Did they bring everyone on this search party?

"Well, they were doing really good until y'all idiots busted in. Way to ruin a moment." Yells Raven.

I laugh as Dezirae's eyes fly open and her face turns bright red noticing that everyone is staring at us. Up until now we had been lost in our own world.

"Whats wrong?" I bend down and whisper softly in her ear smiling knowing exactly whats wrong.

"Nothing." She whispers back just as Jessa walks up with the boys.

"You okay, Dez?" She says then glares at me. "Let her go Kellin!" She hits my arms.

"Hey! Okay, okay." I say as she continues hitting me. "Dude whats the problem? We are fine! Right Dez?" I say looking at her. She stares at me with a smile and nods her head.

"Yes." She whispers where we can barely hear her.

"What did you do to her?" Asks Jessa. "Earth to Dezirae!"

"He knocked her damn socks off! Shit! with that make out session they were having, even I felt the electricity flowing!" Raven answers laughing. Mike and Jack laugh with her.

"I'm glad you two made up! So who do I have to flirt with to get a drink around here!" Yells Mike.

"You could flirt with me all night, sexy." Raven exclaims then winks at Mike.

"Great! You got her started." Jesus rolls his eyes. "Better watch out!" He says to Mike.

I walk over to where Jessa and Dezirae are and put my arm around Dez. "How'd you find us?" I ask Jessa.

***Jessa POV***

"Easy! The grumpy lady at the front pointed us in the right direction. After we figured out Justin let you go!" I glare at Justin sitting on a stool drinking a beer.

"What? He said he needed air!" Justin shot back "Plus looks to me like everything worked out!" He smiles at Kellin and laughs.

"Let's just all chill and have some drinks since we're here!" Kellin says.

I look at Dez and nod my head toward the bathroom. She gives me a puzzled look then realizes what I mean.

"I'll be back! Going to ladies room!" She says as Krista, Bri and the rest of the guys show up.

"When were you going to tell us we moved the party!" Yelled Krista.

"Ladies, wait up!" Her and Bri chase after us and we walk toward the bathroom.

"So what'd we miss?" Laughs Bri.
"You missed Dez and Kellins make out session, obviously!" I yell furious.

Okay I know I should be happy for her, but we were all worried about her and here she is right where she started in the first place.

"Hey way to go!" Krista shouts raising her hand for a high five. Dez high fives her.

"It's not funny!" I yell. All the girls look at me shocked.

"Dude what's your deal?" Dez asks
"First you run off with no word to your best friends and have us worried about you and we have go listen to Kellin whine! And for what just so you can make up with him and then everythings okay!" I let out quickly. Its quiet and all the girls look at Dez.

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