A Daydream Away

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"JESSA!" I yelled as I ran out the fun house toward her and Jack. I knew Kellin would be upset that i rejected him but I couldn't keep falling for him. Plus that's not fair to Vic.

Jessa turned surprised. I threw my arms around her. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey! Just spending some time alone with-" She stopped mid sentence. "What are you doing with him?"

I turned to see Kellin walking towards us. "We both don't like the rides so we were hanging out while everyone else rode them."

"What happened to Vic?"

"He's on the rides." She scowled at me as Kellin walked up and put his arm around me. I moved away and I swear I saw a glint of hurt cross his eyes.

"Hey to you too, Jessa! What's up Jack?"

"Hey dude! So, what were you two doing in the fun house?" He winked at Kellin, laughing.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" My face turned bright red even though I knew we didn't do anything.


"I'm kidding!" Him and Jack laughed as I punched his arm playfully.

"Don't have to lie to us, Dez. Its our secret!" Jack said laughing even harder, earning an angry look from Jessa.

"We're just playing, babe! Chill!"

"Yeah Jessa, chill! We're just friends." Kellin said with a hint of sadness. "You all heading back for soundcheck?"

"Yeah, in a bit. What about you?" Kellin laughed.

"You know I never go to soundcheck but yeah, let me get Justin. Meet you there!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the rides so we're away from Jessa and Jack.

"Bye Jess!" I waved and saw her mouth, we need to talk. When we were almost to the rides, Kellin stopped and faced me.

"What was that?"


"That! At the fun house! Its like you couldn't wait to get away from me." I stared at him. How do I tell him that I don't trust him enough to be with him. That I feel Vic is a better choice.


"I don't know what you mean? I was just excited to see my friend."

"That's it! I don't believe it!" There was an awkward silence between us. I looked around trying to avoid him looking at me.

"Are you and Vic together?" He blurted out.

"What?! No!" I saw his body relax a little. "Why does it matter?"

"Nothing just wondering I mean you like him, though?" I didn't know what to say. He seems so casual about it but at the same time I can't talk to him about how I feel about Vic. "We're friends, its cool. Maybe I can help!"

"No. Just as friends." He smiled at me them reached over and tucked my hair behind my ear running his fingers down my cheek.

"You would tell me, right?!" I couldn't think with him touching me. I felt my heart race as I looked into his blue green eyes and felt my cheeks turn pink. I had to get away from him before I did something I'd regret.

"Um, I'm gonna go with Jessa and Jack. Tell the guys I'll see them at the venue." I didn't wait for an answer I just took off running.

I heard him yell my name but I ran faster. What was wrong with me? Am I that screwed up that a simple touch and smile could make me melt and forget the one guy whose been so nice to me?

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