The First Punch

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**Vic POV**

I stand by Mike and the guys half listening to the conversation going on but my focus is really on Dez and Kellin.

They look like they are having a heated discussion and I wonder what they could be talking about. Kellin seems annoyed then in a split second his expression changes. Should I head over there? Would Dez think I'm too overprotective or don't trust her? Shit who was I kidding I am jealous! Very!

The way Dez looks at him . I sigh. I don't trust Kellin. I cant believe i just thought that. He's my friend but i know there's more to this story than them being just friends and jealous or not I don't want him near her.

"Hey, you listening?" Mike nudges me.

"Yeah." I answer keeping my eyes on Dez.

"Why don't you just go over there?"

"What?" I turn to look at Mike finally.
"You haven't taken your eyes off them the whole time. Just go over there, if you want to know what their talking about."

"I don't want to seem jealous."

"You're her boyfriend. Why shouldn't you be over there plus you're not doing anything but driving yourself crazy." He was right.

I just need to go over there. I start toward them and see Kellin lean over and whisper something making Dez blush. That only makes my jealousy worse.

"Hey! What was that about?" I ask Dez as Kellin walks away.

"Uh...nothing, just talking.."

"Must have been something. The way you're blushing."

"What are you implying?" Dez snaps back with attitude, getting a little too defensive to me.

I don't know if I should push the issue or let it go. Did I really want to fight the first day we get together. No, not really.

"Nothing. Just wondering. No big deal." I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me. "I missed you over there."

"Sorry I got caught up talking. I didn't even get your drink."

"Its okay, I think I know how you can make it up to me."

"Oh really?!" She says playfully "how is that?"

"Like this." I lean down and press my lips to hers. Within seconds our lips are moving in sync. I feel her hands go a round my neck. I love the feeling of kissing her and all feelings of uneasiness and jealousy fade away. I pull back.

"Let's get some drinks and go see what everyone up to." She smiles and turns to get us two beers.

**Kellin's POV**

I sit with Krista most of the night but I have no idea what's going on . One because I'm throwing down drinks like crazy and two because all night, I cant keep my eyes off Dez and Vic.

He keeps his arm draped around her or around her waist. He keeps leaning down to kiss her and a few times they just sat and make out. Yeah I know I sound like a stalker but I was hoping that she'd end up alone so I could try talking to her but he hasn't left her side once. Guess I don't blame him. I wouldn't either if she was my girlfriend.

"I'll be back!" I tell Krista getting up.

"Kells, what are you doing?"

"Nothing just going to move around a little." She gave me a skeptical look.

"Just don't do anything stupid."

I roll my eyes then walk toward the guys and Dez.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" I say as I walk up and plop down next to Justin.

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