Concerts and Friends

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"DEZ!" I jumped and removed my headphones as my sister yelled my name. "Didn't you hear me knocking?"

"Sorry Sarena I had my headphones on...What's up?!"

"I was just going to see if you wanted some concert tickets. My friend is Alysha's cousin and she got free World Tour tickets from her but I can't go because I gotta work." She pouted.

"Who's Alysha?" I ask.

"Mike Fuentes' girlfriend! You know Mike from Pierce the Veil! Omg, Do you live under a rock, Dez? I don't know how we are related!" She rolls her eyes.

"I don't really listen to those bands but I know Krista, Brittny and Jessa would kill me if I say no." I laugh thinking of my three best friends, whos in love with Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens.

"Well here. Just take lots of pics for me!" She hands me the four tickets and leaves the room.

I guess, I should call my friends. They will be super excited! I already know they're going to drag me along with them. They always do.

I sigh because lately I haven't been doing much socializing, actually, i haven't been doing any socializing, for that matter. I've been just moping around at home listening to music, drawing or writing. Ever since I caught my boyfriend or should I say ex now, cheating with some band whore in the parking lot at one of his shows. He didn't apologize or anything. He just looked at me then went back to the whore. I really had thought he was special and we were going to be together forever but I guess I learned my lesson. You can't trust anyone! Especially band guys!

I get up and look in the mirror. Jeez, I look like crap. I think as I look at the messy Mexican staring back at me. My long black hair was literally all over the place. The only thing holding it down was the fact that I had it in a ponytail. Normally I don't think I look all that great anyway but man!

Okay so you know how they say Mexican girls are exotic looking well I don't think my genes got the memo because there is nothing exotic about me. I'm 5'4 with long black hair, eyes that are too big and shitty brown. I'm not skinny but I'm not fat either.

I walk back to my room , pick up my phone and dial Krista's number.

"Hey stranger! Are you feeling better?" She asks. Krista is not one for sugar coating or beating around the bush. We met at work and have been inseparable since day one. This is why I respect and trust her so much. The bad thing is, sometimes, she's too honest.

"Not really." I say putting in no effort.

"Girl, you need to forget about that deadbeat! He obviously was into whores and I know my friend is no whore."

"Gee thanks! I feel so much better." I say sarcastically. She really knew how to make a person feel better. Not!

"You're welcome. I'm just saying, there are way better men out there." I ignore her comment and get to the real reason I called, "So, my sis had tickets to world tour! And she--"

"LUCKY!" She screamed before I could finish. "Let me finish! "I laugh. "She gave them to me. And I thought since I don't listen to them. You, Brittny, and Jessa would want to go."

"Omg! WORLD TOUR!!!" Krista screams as I hold the phone away from my ear so I don't go deaf. "The five of us, all together, meeting the one and only, Kellin Quinn."

"Now Krista, I said 'you, Brittny, and Jessa' not me . I'll pass and I don't even know this Kellin Quinn, guy." I said trying to get my point across. I failed.

"Your coming because all you do is mope around in misery. Learn to live! And if your lucky, you can maybe find yourself, a boyfriend. What do you say. Please.....Come!" That wasn't a question, it w as a command. I had to go now because you don't want to see her pissed.

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