Miss Piggy and The American Idiot!!

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Ever since I saw Denise at the mall I've been more down on myself. I tried to keep busy by hanging with the girls and getting ready for the show but I always seem in a daze and not really there. I don't feel like going and dealing with all those crazy fan girls especially for a band I don't really listen too.

"You're going even if we have to tie you up and throw you in the trunk!" proclaimed Jessa.

"But y'all won't have any fun with me there." I plead hoping I can get her to agree. "I'll just be moping around."

"No you wont because we won't let you! Plus who can be sad with Jack around." She smirked.

"And there will be really hot guys there and you won't even remember why you're sad." stated Brittny.

"Ugh! Fine!" I gave in, not like they were taking no for an answer, anyway. "So what do I wear?"

"Omg let me do your hair and makeup! I'll make you look fab!" exclaimed Krista.

"Sure" I said thinking she has a lot of work to do then. Krista grabs my hand and drags me to the vanity and plopped me down on the chair facing her. She then busted out her makeup kit. You would think she was a professional makeup artist with as much makeup as she had. Anything and everything you needed to know about makeup or hair Krista knew.

"Close your eyes!" she said as she started applying foundation and I don't know what else. I've never been the girly girl type.

After hours of getting poked and hair being pulled and puckering and all that Krista said.

"Done!" she turned me to look in the mirror and I was amazed. The girl looking at me didn't even look like me. She looked like someone else staring back at me.

My hair was straightened with my bangs falling done one side and my eyes just seemed to pop out my face. I couldn't stop staring. "WOW!!"

"Now go get dressed so we can go."

"You should wear this Green Day shirt and capris" says Brittny from my closet.

"Can I at least wear my vans or chucks?"

"Yes!" she laughs.

I hurry up and get dressed so we can get on the road. I look in the mirror and actually think I look pretty good. Almost like a different person. I think to myself I'm going to try to have a good time tonight.

"Alright let's go ladies!" I say excited. "About time Cinderella" remarks Jessa.

**** 2 hrs later ******

We are standing in line for meet and greet and it is humid and hot. The good mood I was in disappeared 2 hours ago. I felt sticky and sweaty and irritated.

An hour ago some random guy came by and was hitting on Krista. She flirted with him and then he ran off. We haven't seen him since.

Some girls mom came with hamburgers that smelled sooo good and reminded my stomach we hadn't eaten before standing in this line, thanks to Brittny who said we had to be in front so we don't have to wait so long. Yeah so much for that.

"OMG! I can't believe we are going to meet Sleeping with Sirens!" screamed Brittny.

"And Kellin Quinn!" said Krista

"Don't forget Jack!!!" yells Jessa.

"Oh joy! Kellin Quinn." I say sarcastically. I don't understand what the big deal is with them and this guy.

"Oh come on, Dez! At least pretend to be happy that you're here!" Brittny says as she frowns at me.

"Sorry Bri, its just I don't see why we are waiting in this heat for hours for some guy we don't know. He could be a douche or something!"

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