Chapter 4 - Safe

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Delilah's P.O.V

"Ms Cavanaugh?" A friendly voice questioned after knocking on the door, I looked up from my white pillow at the visiter. A handsome, young guy, maybe a little older than me appeared at the door. I mumbled something even I couldn't understand as a signal for the figure in blue scrubs to enter.

"We've got your results back and it seems like you've fractured your jaw bone and your left arm is slightly broken." The attractive trainee walked nearer as I noticed a hint of America and Australia in his accent.

"Mmhmm" I waved my right arm in attempt to communicate after realising what I had 'said' made no sense.

"You'll probably be staying in the hospital until you can talk, which should be about 3 days, as this will be a sign that your body is healing."

I nodded in agreement as the intern carried on, realising how much my jaw ached.

"We'll be giving you painkillers for your arm so errrm... Yeah, I should get going as you need rest." He lightly grinned at me before walking through the door when he suddenly stopped, and turned around.

"Oh and somebody may come in to speak to you later."

With another smile from the un-named intern, he left.

Harry's P.O.V

The time on my phone read that it was half 8. She had been out for at least 10 hours and there was still no sign of her. I called out her name several times whilst searching the house for her, but it appeared that she was missing. I knocked on the bedroom door I had left her in and with no answer, I crept around the door in case she was still unconscience. The bed was empty, only ruffled sheets replaced her presence.


Still no answer.

I've never been the type of man to worry but it looked as if she was never there. And that worried me. The thought of where she could be sent shivers down my spine; a young, beautiful girl wondering the streets at night. Without another thought, I rushed out into the streets to find her.


I shouted into the darkness, only the dim street lights keeping my vision. An older woman sat on a bench gave me an odd look as I yelled into the night, only to by taken by surprise as I told her not to 'fuck with me' before continuing with my search.

I ran around my area of London for at least another hour, by what seemed like the end, I felt as if I should give up. My throat was sore from screaming, my legs were tired of running and my eyes ached from searching.

With one last call of her name, I started to turn around, persuading myself she was ok, she had probably been scared off by the foreign-like room she awoke in.

"Um... Excuse me?"

I turned around in response to the masked voice, A frown covering my face at the barbie-looking woman before asking if she needed help.

"You were calling for a Delilah? Am I right?"

"What?" I stepped towards the blonde haired woman as my heartbeat drastically increased. "I mean, Do... do you know her?"

"I took a girl with blue bruises to the hospital? She said she fell over but sweetie, I'm not sure. I think she was french?"


"Harry, have you seen the new girl? I heard she's french. And you know what french girls are like.."

I chuckled at my friends amusing, stereotypical statement, before at least 5 'Damns' and wolf-whistles surrounded me. I laughed again as one called her a 'hotty with a botty'.

"Harry? Can you see her?"

"Yes Lou. I see her."

"What do you think? Yay or nay?"

"Um... just go after your French 'hotty with a botty' and we'll never speak of you saying 'Yay or Nay' again.."


Louis jumped off the table as he strolled over to Delilah, being the sass-master and jock that he always is. He lent over her shoulder, whispering something in her ear before she shyly giggled, leaving a smirk on his face. We watched him distantly give us a thumbs up as she turned away, but to his surprise, she stormed off after throwing her just-bought strawberry smoothie in his shocked face and screaming something at him in french.

*Flashback over*

"Yes! Please tell me she's ok!" I took a few more sudden steps towards the woman, praying that Delilah was healthy for whatever condition she was in.

"Honey, she's fine! Let me guess, she's your... girlfriend?"

She raised her eyebrows at the word 'girlfriend', the happy smile on her face fading as if I had done some crime.

"What? No! I'm just a friend, I've been looking after her."

Relief washed over the womans face before she spoke.

"Well, I could take you to the hospital if you like?"


"Sorry! That probably didn't sound that good, what would an attractive boy like you be doing with a lady like me?"

I faked a laugh in attempt to join her with her 'joke', feeling slightly awkward at her words.

"Anywaaaay, I'm a taxi driver. I can take you to the hospital sweetie."

"Uh... Thats fine. I just needed to know she was ok." I turned away as I started to walk of, feeling happy that I knew where she was.

"Ok well goodnight... What was your name?"

"Harry!" I called over my shoulder. "And you?"


Delilah's P.O.V

"Delilah?..... Ms Cavanaugh?"

I lifted my head from where I lay, my dream of a stranger with curly hair and a beanie being interupted.

I waved in the door's direction to tell the guest to come in.

"You have a visitor, shall I show him in? I think his name was Derek."

I began to sit up in bed, my stomach feeling as if it was trapped with bats.


I nodded without thought before the intern smiled and went of to show my beloved boyfriend in, a sudden headache coming on whilst my heart rapidly began to beat.

"Delilah?" A deep, husky voice beamed from outside the room.

{ Please vote, comment and follow! For those of you who live on a completely different planet and have no idea who Harry Styles is, then there are pictures to the side! Omg, Story Of My Life video (': Also, has anybody heard Lady Gaga's new song 'Dope'? Vote! ♡ }

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