Chapter 3 - Doubts

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Delilah's P.O.V

'Selfish bitch!'

The words span in my head like a washing machine.

I crept down the dark stairs, searching for the heroic stranger who managed to save me earlier that day. The continuous buzzing coming from my pocket persuaded me to turn my phone off, even though I knew who it was.

My names Delilah. I'm 18, I'm half English, half French and my overly-attached and paranoid boyfriend, Derek, likes to moniter my every move and if he suspects something, the next day my face will be as fake as a barbie to hide the evidence. My parents are happily married, and have been for 20 odd years, they met in France where I grew up. My younger sister, Freya, was born at home, on the outskirts of Paris and when I was almost 17, my family and I moved to London as a result of my Father's job. I started University a little later than other students, only by a couple of months as it took a while to refurnish our new home. Me being the eldest sibling, I had to help.

This appartment seemed abandoned. Although it was clean and tidy, a thin blanket of dust lay on tables and ornaments like snow. There was no sign of life.

"Hello?... Um... No..."

I pulled my foot back from the last stair as soon as I heard the voice, followed by a deep chuckle. Panic spread across me, I had no idea why.

"Hilarious... She'll turn up, I gotta go now."

I could've sworn that the still anonymous boy finished the sentance with that dreadful name I could bear to hear.

The low, sleepy voice hung up before I heard a loud thump, pressuming it was the mysterious boy slouching back on the sofa.

After uncomfortably standing in silence against the wall which had me hidden, I moved a small inch so I could just about see the hero.

A black beanie was pulled over his head, a few dark curls poking their way out and unfortunately, below his neck was hidden by the back of the sofa.

I took my eyes away from him and lay back against the wall which seperated me from the boy. I had no clue what to do now. I looked back towards the sofa once more.

He was gone.

No footsteps were heard. No sign of movement. It looked as if he was never there.

I threw my head back in the shadows that covered the stairs as my heartbeat dramatically increased, becoming louder and faster with every beat. In my mind, he was becoming more of a murderer by the second.

The front door was a few metres away from me. I could make it, I knew I could. Without another glance around the flat, I sprinted to the door, opened it and quietly shut it behind me.

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone telling me I had a call. After fumbling the coffee table to find where the source of the irritable noise came from, the sound which once filled the lonely air stopped.


I answered before yawning.

"Harry, have you seen Delilah?" The worried, familiar surprised me.


The urge to lie took over. If he knew what happened to Delilah then it would sound as if I was responsible for her injuries.


"Shit.. well if you're hiding my girl and planning on sleeping with her then don't even try. I know your ways Styles."

"Hilarious." I said sarcastically, standing up from the couch. "She'll turn up, I gotta go now Derek."

"I know what you're like, don't go thinking you can steal whats mine. If you even look in her direction, I swear to god I will cut your di-"

I hung up the phone, silencing the amusing words coming from the cocky boy trapped in a 19 year olds body.

Delilah's P.O.V

The chilly November air hit my skin, the fresh tears which recently fell down my cheeks freezing from the sudden cold.

"London Taxi's, how can we assist you?"

I turned on my phone to call a cab, I was surprised to find myself happy that I managed to top up my phone yesterday, or I'd be begging for a phone of a stranger in the middle of London, whilst in pain. Which is not how I want to spend my Tuesday afternoon, when I should be in class. Luckily, I had already studied what we would be doing this lesson so I wasn't missing out.

After politely asking a man the name of the street I was on, I answered the woman on the phone with my location. A taxi pulled up in front of the bench I had been waiting on after fifteen minutes.

"Umm... Delilah Cavanaugh?"

I took my hands away from my face, startled by the high-pitched, bleach-blonde woman before me.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, thats me."

"Come on sweetie, you don't look too good."


"I just tripped up, I'm fine though."

I wasn't fine.

"Are you sure dear?" The concerned driver asked me, I could tell by her tone that she meant it. Although she seemed annoying, I appreciated the fact that a stranger cared for me.

"I'm well enough to go back to campus." I laughed, but I was far from 'well'.

"I can run you to the hospital if you like, free of charge." The woman smiled, eyes still on the road.


"Whats wrong honey?"

I dug at the bottom of my pockets, hoping to find some money, but of course, there was none.

"I... Um... left my purse at home.. I'm so sorry, I was in hur-"

"Its fine sweetie, I'll take you to the hospital and you don't need to pay me. Consider this car an ambulance!" The woman insisted. "Besides, I know you're in pain." She added.

And I was. Physically and emotionally.

I had been hurt many times; heartbreak, injuries, disrespect, guilt, I've experienced every type of suffering. I've watched violent arguements, I witnessed a teenage boy mugging an old woman, my friends have betrayed me in ways that are unthinkable and I was humiliated by a boy I thought I could trust in front of the entire grade.

The rest of the journey was mainly silent. At one point the woman, who I learnt was named Pamela, complimented me on my accent, asking about what France is like. She told me about her honeymoon in Paris but she could tell I was in no mood to talk and quickly shut up.

I watched out the window, distracting myself with the new part of town I was yet to discover. The tall buildings, towering above us made me feel smaller than I already did. I envied the lives of people we drove by, the groups of giggling schoolgirls reminded me of when I was back in France, every Friday I'd go shopping with my best friend, Yesmine.

"We're here sweetie, now you seem a brave girl, you'll recover from your 'fall' in no time." Pamela turned from the drivers seat as we stopped in front of the hospital, a hint of suspicion was hid behind her fluorescent pink lipstick as she said the word 'fall'.

"Well.. Um, thankyou.." I answered, opening the door.

I watched the yellow car drive off after she took a phone call from a family needing a lift to the other side town.

'You'll recover'

I highly doubted that. This time was different.

{ Thanks for reading(: Please vote and everything! Picture to the side is what I imagine Delilah to look like, I can't really decide on which of the three it is but I picture her to be something between them! Story of my life is so amazing! I can't believe its less than a month until Midnight Memories, the 1Dday 7 hour livestream and Lady Gaga's album 'ArtPop'! Please vote! ♡ }

Through Thick And Thin - Harry Styles Fanfic ♡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن