Chapter 27

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I woke up to someone jumping on the bed. "Wake up, Oli! We have stuff we need to do today!" Opening my eyes up slightly, I noticed it was Sally jumping on the bed. I quickly sat up, and squished her into a hug. Sally giggled. And then I started tickling her. 

"Oli, stop it!" She laughed. I shook my head 'no,' and continued tickling her. I only stopped when Jack walked in. Sally ran up to him, and hugged his leg. "Thank you, Jackie." Jack sighed. "No mercy," I whisper shouted to Sally. Sally stuck her tongue playfully at me.

"Well, we set up a room for you, Olivia. So, follow me, I guess." I rolled off the bed and stood up, trailing behind EJ. "Oh yeah, don't get lost behind." Before I could question what he meant, Jack raced down the stairs. So, that's how it was going to be today. Two can play at that game I suppose. (frick im sleepy rn -Kiwi) 

I grinned as I chased after Jack, as he wove between hallways, and sets of never-ending staircases. Finally, Jack abruptly stopped at a bright red door. "Well, here it is. Don't be surprised or upset though." As I walked in, yes, I was surprised. What could've been so damn surprising? There wasn't anything to be surprised about.

It sat there on a worn out side table, its button eyes staring into mine. I felt my eyes slowly start to water. Something that I cared so badly for. Something that have been taken away from me. Something that made me want to curl up in a ball and cry out of misery and pain. It sat there mocking me silently, tauntingly saying how everything I once had was gone. 

Jack walked out of the room to leave me be. He probably knew that I was slowly breaking down inside, silently being torn apart piece by piece. I felt my chest start to pound, my tears seeming to never stop streaming down my face, and my well being beginning to slip away. So what did Olivia Floyd begin to do? She began to cry and cry, until she couldn't cry anymore. (oh snap, that third person swap was smoother than butter. side note, im probably going to write in third person for a while now -kiwi)

It wasn't until she'd cried herself to sleep that Jeff decided to walk in. Did he care if she was hurting? No. He didn't care one single bit. In fact, Jeff enjoyed her suffering. It brought a smile to his face. (im hilarious -kiwi) Oh, how he wanted to torture this girl. He wanted to her to scream in agony, until she'd shredded her vocal chords. If only she wasn't so special in this operation. Well, she was just a mere toy, wasn't she?

Of course, Jeff still had to care for Oli. Whether he liked it or not, she was a giant piece in a mess of a puzzle. Although, he felt more inclined to slit her throat, then not. The only thing keeping him back, was like a thin line of gunpowder and a match, in which Jeff would happen to be the explosive. One wrong move, and boom. 

It was always intriguing why Jeff would dislike someone so much. He normally didn't. Jeff was on pretty good standards with everyone else. Most of his victims he didn't care for either. But, when it came to Olivia, Jeff hated her to the core. He wanted her dead. He wanted to hear her organs squelching on the cold, hard floor. He wanted to hear her blood drip. Jeff wanted to kill her. He wanted to kill her, badly.

ok. i need to add some side notes. 

1. i havent been writing like i should be. 

2. the first few paragraphs are very noticeably different than the last few paragraphs. 

3. thats probably because i hadnt written on this for about a month, then added about five or six paragraphs, which are very very different than the first couple ones. 

4. im probably going to write in third person for a while, as i feel like its easier than first. why? when it comes to me writing first person, i tend to say "I" a lot. i dont really add thoughts as much into my writing like i should when i write in first person. most of it is actions and speech, which can be used in third person. which is probably why i decided to write in third person for a while. 

5. this is more of a warning, i suppose. i might have to put this on hold, or discontinue it for a couple of reasons. 

          A. im terrible at writing without a prompt, my head is empty. think of it like endless writing block. 

          B. i kind of want to go back and rewrite some of this, because the story feels very drawn out and rambled, i want to rewrite it better,  and im thinking of writing all of it in third person. 

          C. i might discontinue it because i might not want to write any of it anymore. of course, ill add an ending. but itll be bad, because itll be cramming information i wouldve added later in the story. such as, "why is olivia so important?" or "why does jeff hate her more than usual?" or even "where tf is oli's dissappointment of a dad?" which might all be hard to cram. but if it comes down to it, i might have to discontinue it. 

hopefully not, but its possible.

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now