Chapter 23

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As I walked out into the living room, I noticed a couple of things. One, Masky doesn't seem to like Toby. Two, either Toby knows it bothers Masky, or he's way too naive. Three, Ben is a major gamer. Probably due to all of his consoles. There didn't seem to be a single one missing. Four, Sally just walked into the room holding Jeff's hand. They probably just got back from playing. How did I know that? Five, Jeff's wearing a bright, pink tutu.

No matter how much I tried containing my laughter, I couldn't stop from laughing hysterically. This was probably the loudest (and longest) I've laughed for two entire years. Sally gripped my hand and exclaimed, "Now it's your turn, Olivia!" Oh, no.

Long story short, Sally's stronger than she looks, and I can pull off this navy blue tutu. "Alright, Oli. This is how it's going to go down. I'm going to make you look like a freakin' princess, and you're going to be freakin' beautiful, and then all the guys will freakin' swoon when they see you." She grinned. And I started laughing again. She scowled at me slightly.

"The only one swooning will probably be Ben, and I'm pretty sure he'd swoon over a pig in makeup with a dress on." At this point Sally had covered my mouth, to stop me from laughing. Which I promptly licked. "Ew. Olivia, groooooooss." Which, with that, I proceeded to lick her entire left cheek and run out the door as swiftly as possible."Olivia, you are dead when I get my hands on you."

"That's if you can catch me, Sally!" She ran out the door, and begun the chase to catch dear ol' Olivia Floyd. I jumped over furniture with Sally hot on the pursuit. Until Ben tripped me over. I somersaulted over, saving myself from what would've been a horrible face plant. But, that was plenty of time for Sally to tackle me to the floor, and sit on my back preventing me from getting up again. "Sally, get off," I whined. "Only, and I repeat, only, if you kiss Jeff on the cheek." Goddammit. No thanks!

"Sally, I'm not kissin' Jeff!" She giggled. "Alright, I'll cut you a deal. I won't mess with your face (at least not today) if you kiss Jeff on the cheek. If you kiss him on the mouth, I won't force you to play dress up, but I'll make Jeff do it instead (for at least a couple days.)" She drives a hard bargain.

"Deal. Now get off of me." She turned me over. "As soon as you pinkie promise. And, if you break it, you gotta cut off your pinkie." Sally grinned, and we pinkie promised. It's cute how seemingly innocent she is sometimes. Sally held her hand in mine, as she lead me to the back of the house.

We walked out of the house, and there was Jeff. But, what shocked me slightly, is the dog he was playing with. It looked like a husky, but it's face threw me for a loop. It was grinning. Like human grin, smile. No wonder Jeff could, and would, play with a dog like this. They both smiled just as wide, and with the same look that held many different stories and emotions.

Sally whispered in my ear, "Yo, go kiss him. Don't worry, he won't notice me. And he can't hurt you, otherwise Slendy will be on his butt." At this point, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. My head felt like it was in the clouds. And my heart thumped like the gentle thump on a drum. Was I prepared for this? Fuck no.

Just take a breath in, and go up to him. Don't be so scared. It's only Jeff, right? Oh my God. It's Fuckass we're talking about. Just go for it, Olivia. 'You only live once,' I suppose. "Heyyo, Fuckass." That got his attention alright. Fuckass turned towards me. "Oh. It's only you." He turned back to whatever he was doing with the dog.

"Yo. Who's this?" I pointed to the dog. "Oh. This is Smile. Smile...Dog." And I started laughing. "Oh mY fuCKiNg GOd. ThAt'S iroNiC aS fUck." Smile walked up to me and licked my face, which made me laugh even more. "AH. StOp it. THat tiCKles!" Jeff just sighed, and began to toy with his knife; him, constantly tossing it up and down and catching it with ease. It was kind of mesmerizing to watch. That is, if I wasn't trying to push Smile's face away from me.

"Oli, he likes you." I rolled away from Smile, and rolled right next to Jeff's shoes. "M'kay. Tell me somethin' I don't know." Smile ran into the woods, and that left me with Fuckass. "Well, for starters, I could pull off that tutu way better than you can." I glared as Fuckass smirked at me. I stood up. "Nah. You couldn't top me." And before I could register what even I was doing, I pecked him on the lips swiftly, and ran inside before he could say anythin'.

(Sorry for the late-ish update. I just got back from another continent. And I forgot to update it yesterday. WELP.)

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now