Chapter 19

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What? What the hell? Where the frickity fracka fuck was I? I was laying on a small twin sized bed with a dinosaur pattern blanket over me. Did I really pass out again? God. I need to learn a bit of self control. Although, I'm pretty sure I just ran about five miles at top speed. What happened again? I passed out on the property of a bright blue house. But, I'm in a room. A bright one at that. It's painted a nice shade of green. The room is decorated with baby furniture. Was I in a infant's nursery?

The door slowly creaked open, and a nice looking elderly man walked in. "Hello dear. Are you comfortable?" Silence. "Do you need anything?" More silence. "What's your name?" Even more silence. "I'll leave you to it then I guess. No need to pry."

The old man walked out of the room. Heaven knows where he left off to. His voice was calming, and deep. It was quite soothing actually. It had a sense of reassurance that everything might be alright. But it won't. Nothing will be okay now. I have a bunch of murderers hot on my trail. Jeff wants to kill me, Jack probably does too. And Ben? Who knows. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But, it was probably more likely than not, that he wanted to kill me.

I let out a big sigh. How could something so nice, turn so horrible, so quickly? I had a nice family. They cared for me. What changed? Was it Jeff? No. Jeff had always been a sadistic murdering asshole. That would never change. What changed, was me. It was me all along. I pushed people away, and let them get the best of me. That, was my downfall. Jeff wasn't the cause of this. I was. This mess I got myself into, it was all me. Jeff just nudged me deeper into that direction.

A couple tears streaked down my face. But I wasn't sad. It was more like, I was crying due to my realization. I have to deal with this mess myself, without anyone else. Luckily Kyle was adopted. He won't have to go through this. Maybe him getting adopted was for the best.

Sighing, I rolled off the side of the bed, and onto the floor with a thump. This is going to be an interesting week. I'm at a stranger's house, murderers want my head, and I'm doing nothing about it at the moment. Standing up, I got a better glance around the room then.

There was a window, which is great, if I need to escape quickly. I walked up to it, and realized there was a safety lock on it. Damn it. It's always good to find a way out in case of emergency. Fires, floods, murderers, that sort of thing. I tapped on the glass. It felt pretty strong, so I don't think kicking it down would be the best idea. But, at least it's something.

The door opened noisily, and this time, a boy walked in. He looked pretty normal, about the age of fifteen. He had auburn hair the color of chestnuts, same as his eyes. His eyes drooped and he looked tired. "M-Mom told m-me to come g-get you for l-lunch. So, f-follow me I g-guess." He had a small stutter and twitched occasionally. Why did he look so familiar? Have I seen him before? I squinted my eyes and scrunched my face in confusion as I followed the boy down the hallway. What was I forgetting?

The house seemed small, but it was cozy. The walls were painted a pastel shade of orange. It was calming and nice. It smelled like vanilla, and reminded me of a bakery. It brought a small smile to my face to see such a nice looking (and smelling) home.

"Ah. I see she has awaken. Toby, bring over Kyle to meet our guest." The voice was from a elderly lady. Her voice was frail, and laced with kindness. It brought comfort. The teen that had gotten me from the nursery walked into another room.

"Hello dear. Are you feeling any better? I hope our dainty house is better than outside" She chuckled and turned towards me. I tilted my head back and looked at the ceiling. Was I feeling better? This place felt safe. Like a sanctuary. 

(Sorry for the late update. I've been a tad busy, being in another country and all. Plus it's summer, so I don't really remember the days of the week. So, apparently today's Saturday. I thought it was Friday. WHOOPS.)

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now