Chapter 18

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(casual swearing involved FYI)

It was cold. Very cold.

It was wet. Very wet.

It hurt. It really hurt.

Where was I? What happened? I should probably open my eyes to find out. Shouldn't I? My eyes fluttered open, and I realized I was inside the building. Ow. Something was hurting. My eyes darted down towards the source of pain, and it was my side. Blood was soaking the tank top I wore. It's white. It's ironic.

I lifted up my shirt to see what happened. There were stitches sewn, carefully placed where my kidneys were. When I stood up, the blood immediately went to my head. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was falling. Or at least I was. Something caught me. No. Someone.

It was a boy. He was around my age I think. I couldn't tell though. His stupid mask was covering his face. It was a navy-ish blue. The eye sockets dripping a black substance I couldn't place right. At least as far as I could tell. It's almost pitch-black in here.

When I reached my hand towards his face, he backed away faster than lightning. Oh yeah. I was falling again. This time, contact was inevitable, the air in my lungs knocked out of me like a boxing match. "What's your name?" My voice was weak, and laced with fear.

"Names aren't important right now. It's not like you're going to live any longer anyways." This boy was a bit cocky for my taste. I stood up slowly, this time not falling over like a stupid person, that I may or may not be. The boy walked up to me, and flicked my forehead. Scowling, I leaned over to flick him back.

Before I could move my hand, he jumped backwards out of my range. He was taunting me. Was Olivia going to take this? Not a chance. I jumped forward, and he jumped back, repeating over and over again. It was like a game of cat and mouse. Who was what though? The boy being the clever mouse, chased by the cat? Or the boy being the cat, toying with it's meal?

This wasn't getting anywhere. I juked the boy, and when he jumped back, I ran in the opposite direction. There has got to be a way out of here. Where ever I am, that is. I raced across every corridor. His footsteps always following a couple paces away. How was I going to get rid of him? Might as well try to shake him off. Doubt it.

And doubting it was right. Every couple of paces, his was right behind. How big was this place anyways? It seemed to go on for quite awhile. And, it's not like I could see anything anyways. If I kept on running, I would blackout again. Would it be worth it? Probably. What's better than dying. Not dying. That's for sure.

I think my eye's were getting used to the dark. As, I finally found a door. What were the chances that it was locked? Probably a lot. So, I kicked it down instead. Why take any chances, when I could be positive this way? Don't want to go out like one of those stupid girls in the movies that try the locked door and die.

After running up the stairs that followed after the door, I was greeted by a kitchen. The room was lit up. Thank god for that too. And by the looks of it, I was inside a house. A big one, at that. I slid across the counter, and kicked the next door down. The boy, still chasing after me.

"EJ, what the hell are you doing in there? Do you really need to make that much noise?" Oh god. There was other people in here. Murderers at best. I was in the living room. Presuming that the front door was close by, I threw a conveniently placed pillow behind me, and heard a muffled yelp. Bulls-eye! I could see a door, and it was probably the front one.

Racing to the door, panting, I kicked it open. I couldn't kick it down, as it was too large. So, kicking it open was my best bet. Luckily for me, it was the front door. A forest lied in front of me. I sprinted into the enclosed area, and I ran as if my life depended on it. Well, it kind of did.

Roots covered the damn area. Trying not to trip, was getting tedious. Why was I running again? Oh yeah. A murderer wanting to kill me. Obviously.

The trees began to grow farther apart, so I'm guessing that I was getting close to the end. Wait. What was that? I thought I saw a piece of paper with a childish drawing on it. Maybe it was my imagination? But, then I saw another one. So, maybe it wasn't. I had forgot about the tree roots again, and tripped. Somersaulting over, I kept on running. Not today!

The clearing faded out, and I was almost there to civilization. I could see a couple rooftops here and there. The boy was still following me. Geez. How badly did he want to kill me? Probably a lot. I mean, Jeff was after me as well, and I don't really know about Ben. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. He was kind of a wild card.

The tree clearing past, and I touched pavement. It was about noon, judging by the sun, and I'm guessing that the boy wasn't going to come out in daylight. I turned around with a huge grin on my face, and looked at the boy.

"What's your name again? I want to put it down on my list of times I almost died but didn't." If I could've seen a scowl on his face, I would've. "It's Eyeless Jack. Don't wear it out dear. This isn't the last time you'll see me, Olivia." Jack turned around and walked back into the forest.

Oh yeah! Olivia ain't dead today! I passed a bright blue house, and laid down on the driveway. They wouldn't mind. I hope. I closed my eyes, and began to drift off into sleep. Before I could try to wake myself up again, I had fallen down "the rabbit hole," and was fast asleep.

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now