Chapter 3

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I woke up . Where was I? Oh yeah. I was at the park. I must have fallen asleep. I pulled out my phone from my hoodie's pocket, and checked the time. It was six o'clock. I was okay for now. It wasn't completely dark yet. I would be fine. I yawned and stretched. I should walk back now. Slowly, but at least start. I rolled off the bench onto the ground, and brushed myself off. Walking sure is fun if you know how to make it fun.

I wanted to take the long way. I wasn't really supposed to though. It ran through a couple of dark alleys where some 'troublemakers' hung out. Eh. I'd be okay. I'd been through there plenty of times. I sighed. I shouldn't. But, I am anyway. Who's going to stop me? I started walking in the direction, and when I was about to walk through one of the alleys I got interrupted. "Miss. I wouldn't advise going through there." He had a scratchy voice that sounded like he hadn't had water for a couple of days. I turned around to face him. He was wearing black pants, and had a white hoodie on that was covering his face. "And why not?" I replied smartly.

I swear he was smirking. Okay, I couldn't. "Because, people like you, could run into people like me." What? Confused. Again. "What is that even supposed to mean?" He sighed and turned to me. "Why don't you just, Go To Sleep?" And he pulled out a knife. "You're really irritating me. I don't even know the name of the guy who's gonna kill me. " I stated.

He pulled back his hood, and I stared at him with shock. Was this guy even human? He was as pale as paper that looked like it would be as rough as leather. He had inky black hair that reached his shoulders. But the thing that interested me the most, was his smile and his eyes. Sounds cliche now that I think about it. But, seriously. His smile was carved like a jack-o-lantern's. It reached halfway across his cheek. His eyes had no eyelids. They looked as if they were burnt off. How does he sleep? That was the real question I needed answering.

I walked towards him anxiously, and whispered in his ear softly. "I asked, what your name was." For some reason he started laughing. "Never heard of Jeff the Killer before?" I flicked his forehead. "Nope. Care to tell me about him?" I sat down on the sidewalk and looked up at him. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. It was odd. "You haven't? You really haven't? Oh well, I guess you will when you die." I laughed loudly. He had a mixture of confusion, and amusement on his face. "Lemme guess. Your name is Steve!" I announced. He face palmed. "You really are stupid, you know." I grinned and looked at him. "I'm joking. It's Jeff then, right?"

He nodded, and held his knife up again. The knife I had forgotten about. Jeff. Jeff The Killer. Well, I guess I'm dying today. It would've happened sooner or later honestly. "Go To Sleep." he walked up to me and was about to shank the living out of me, but you know, as any 'normal' person would do, I flicked his forehead. Again.

"Why did you do that? Most people would run away and scream." Do I look normal? I'm walking down a freaking alley. By myself. And, have I stated that I'm a girl? Yeah. I don't think so. "Because I can."

And that was my lame reply. But, I guess this conversation I had been carrying on, had saved my life. At least, temporarily. The police were coming down the alley looking for the drug dealers, I believed. "I guess I should take my leave now. Don't worry. I'll be back for you." And with that, he ran off. Who was this guy? He was weird. But, in a good kind of way. I think...

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now