Chapter 5

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I woke up on my bed. Wait, I don't remember getting on my bed. I stood up, and I was in my black basketball shorts, instead of my jeans. I didn't have my jacket on either. I walked to the door, and peeked out. Kyle was on the couch with Max watching T.V. Max was probably sleeping over. Who knows? I sneaked out. Time for a "Super Sneaky Tickle Attack." I tip-toed behind the couch, and waited for the right moment. "I'm going to see if Oli's alright. I'll be right back Max!" I saw Kyle's feet, and tripped him so he was falling in my direction. He couldn't process it fast enough, and was going to yelp, as I covered his mouth. "Shhh. It's just me." I whispered.

He immediately relaxed. Not on my watch! I started to tickle him. Kyle tried laughing, but with my hand in the way muffling out some of the sound, I doubt Max could hear Kyle over the T.V.  "Kyle! That's it! I'm coming to you." Kyle tried to shout to signal Max not to, but I was too slick. I pinned him down, and covered his mouth with my foot. Sanitary? Nope. Effective? Yep.

Max walked by, and I tripped him, just the same as Kyle. I pinned down both of the squirmy boys, and started tickling them mercilessly. With no need to cover Kyle's mouth anymore, the house was filled with the sounds of the ticklish boys, and my own amused laugh. "HAHAHA! Bow before me, Peasants! Oli has arrived! No mercy!"

After the fun of tickling them, they were red in the face, and smiling like crazy. "Oli, that wasn't funny. I was worried about you, went to see if you were okay, and got taken down by her. Last time I make sure you're okay!" Kyle pouted. "Awe. You're so cute when you care for your big sis." I picked him up in a hug. He sighed loudly. "Yeah. I worried too, you know." Max grinned widely. I hugged him as well. Until, we got interrupted by Mom.

"Time for a movie, and then you guys, are going to go to bed. I have work tomorrow, so choose a shorter one." She grinned happily as Max and Kyle ran to go pick out a movie to watch. "Oli, will you make the popcorn while I set up the pillow fort for the boys?" I nodded and bounded off towards the kitchen.

Where was it? Oh yeah. Top-left cabinet. I stood on the top of the counter to reach it. Who has time for stools? Not me! I grabbed it, and jumped off. And then I yelped in surprise when I turned around. "Miss me?" There he was. On the counter. Smirking his butt off. In my house. Yep. I guess this was a thing I'd have to look forward since I ran into Jeff at that alleyway. "Nope. Not a single bit, Jeff." I replied. I walked over to the microwave, and threw the popcorn in. "Awe. You sure? I bet would couldn't stop thinking about this beautiful face." Narcissistic much? "Nope. Not really. I was thinking about if I should wear my black tank top tomorrow, or my navy one. Do you have any idea on which color I should wear?" He sat on the counter thinking, for like a second.

"You should wear a white one. So, when I stab you, watching the blood bleed through it will be more fun." he smirked. I wanna slap that smirk off his face. It's so annoying when people I hate smirk at my remarks. "Black one it is then. It'll hide the blood easier." Jeff jumped off the counter and walked up towards me. "But, what if I want to see the blood?" I laughed. "Sucks to be you then, don't it?" He scoffed and sat down on the floor looking up at me. "You really have a death-wish, don't you?" He grinned even bigger.

"Nope. I just like making things more difficult for people like you." I smirked to myself. I wasn't lying. "People like me?" He laughed, then continued again. "What's that supposed to mean? You mean to say you run into murderers often?" I snickered. "Nope. Just people with egos to big for themselves." He scowled, walked up to me, and held my head up so I could look him in the eyes. "You really are something, Olivia. Not saying it's good though." He smirked again. God. I hate him so much.

I pinched his cheek, kind of hard. "Ow. That hurts. Stop it." He whined. "Stop smirking then. It's annoying." I grinned, but let go anyway. Jeff pinched my cheek. "Ow. That hurts. Stop it." I whined. He snickered and let go. "Hey Jeff, I got a question for you." He looked at me. "What?" I felt kind of nervous. I think the fact that he's a murderer was hitting me now. "I was wondering, why you haven't, uh, killed me? Yet."

He messed up my hair, and replied. "Eh. I don't feel like it yet. Something about keeping you around for a toy seems to interest me. You speak to me like a normal person. Not like a murderer. It's funny actually." I puffed my cheeks out and turned away from him. "Fine. I see how it is." Finally, the microwave beeped. Informing me, that the popcorn was done. "Haha! Finally the popcorn has finished its beautiful transformation!" I ran to the microwave and opened it to see the wonderful, buttery popcorn in all its glory. "Hey Mom, can my friend watch the movie with us?" I yelled to her.

"Sure Oli. That's alright." She yelled back. "Hey, Jeffy. You can watch the movie with us." He looked shocked, and I laughed. "What? You want me to watch a movie with you?" I nodded and grinned. He shrugged, and I grabbed the popcorn from the microwave. I carefully tipped the contents into another bowl. The other one was a bit too hot. It would probably burn Kyle and Max. I walked to the door of the kitchen and beckoned to Jeff. "Come on. I don't have all day!" He shrugged and followed me to the door where the movie was going to be. "Wait here. I'm gonna tell Mom that you're here already." I grinned even bigger, and slammed open the door.

"Mom. My friend is here. His name is Jeff. And he's unique. Very unique." Mom looked up from the pillow fort she was under with Kyle and Max. "Don't freak out. He's a nice person. He just, had a big accident that makes him look different." She looked bored. "I don't care if he's a hippopotamus, for heaven's sake. People are people. No matter how they look." I jumped up and down in joy for a bit, then walked out the door to get Jeff.

I grabbed his hand. "Come on." I ran through the door holding Jeff's hand. Kyle and Max took one look at Jeff and gasped in amazement. "He looks freaking amazing!" They're so cute when they talk in unison. Jeff smiled awkwardly and waved nervously. I giggled. Something about a murderer being nervous is funny. It just is, okay?

Authors Note:Well first off I'm not the actual author XD lolzr gotteeeeee. Jk. I need help. Anyways I'm updating this since kiwi doesn't know how to update on Fridays. Also this is Pancake. You're welcome smol children.

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now