Chapter 6

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After Kyle and Max had obsessed with Jeff, we decided to watch the movie. Finally. Took them long enough. They ran over to Mom, and they both sat on her lap. It was cute. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself in it. I scooted closer to Jeff, and whispered in his ear. "I swear, if you hurt my family, you ain't gonna have a pretty face anymore." He chuckled, and whispered back. "Does that mean you admit that I have a beautiful face then?" I pouted and turned away from Jeff. "Awe. Come on. I was joking!" I turned back to Jeff, and he had the biggest grin I had ever seen on his face. I crawled onto his lap and laid down on him.

He jumped a bit in surprise, but slowly became more comfortable with it. I giggled, and he looked at me with a look of pure confusion. Which, made me laugh even more. "Shut up Oli. The movie's starting!" Kyle scolded. I shut up, and looked up at Jeff. He seemed content. That was good. He was really warm, and I had seen this movie too many times. I wasn't surprised that I fell asleep. What was surprising, though, is that I fell asleep on a murderer.

When I woke up, I was still curled up in my ball of a blanket, and realized Jeff had already left. I looked around the room, and saw the boys sleeping in the pillow fort they had made. Mom was probably getting ready for work. I walked into the kitchen with my bundle of blankets still loosely wrapped around me. "Oh, you're already awake Olivia. I was just about ready to wake you guys up for school. I'll go and wake up the boys." Mom left into the room where the boys were, and proceeded to wake them up for the school day. I guess I should get ready for school as well.

I lazily opened the door of my closet, and peered in to choose what to wear. I decided on black jeans, a black and white striped shirt, with a white jacket. I wasn't 'dressed to impress,' so I didn't care how I looked. I brushed my hair quickly, and grabbed my backpack, yawning. This day wouldn't go any faster, would it?

Kyle and Max went to elementary, so Mom usually takes them to school, and I walk to school by myself. I'm not complaining though. Don't wanna get fat just yet! I ran out the door after saying 'bye' to Kyle, Max, and Mom. I ran the rest of the way to school, and hid in the corner. No need for interaction with people yet. Might as well work on my homework while I still have a chance. I still blame procrastination. "Oh, if it isn't 'Little Ms. Emo?"

I'd know that voice anywhere. It was Alison and her crew. Just ignore them, and maybe they'd go away? Yeah, no. They seemed pretty intent on staying. To bother me. Not surprised in the slightest. Not one bit. "Alison, I think Olivia needs to be taught a lesson for ignoring you." And the rat had spoken. Brittney. Alison's loyal bestie. She was mine, until she got in a fight with me. She deserved someone like Alison. I didn't feel bad.

"I think you're correct Brittney. Let's teach 'Little Ms. Emo' a lesson!" I'm pretty sure they were smirking. And then the bell rang. I guess it was my turn to be smirking now. I'm so glad I have no classes sitting close to those wannabees. I sprinted down the hallway, as Alison yelled something to me. Did I care? Nope. Not a single bit. My only priority was getting into class on time.

I skidded into the door, just as the bell rang. Yes! Safe again for another day! "Ms. Floyd. Please take your seat quickly. We have a new student, and I don't need the Principal seeing how disruptive you are." I hate her so much sometimes. This was one of those times. Practically the whole class thought that she liked the Principal. Did I say 'thought?' No, we were 'positive.' The class started to chat a bit while we waited for the new student to arrive. I wonder what he or she'd look like. If it was a guy, I hope he's cute, and turns down all the popular kids. That would be entertaining! But, it was still just a dream in my head! Hoping, is still good though. Right?

Finally, the Principal came with the new student. He had blond hair, and had a kid-like face. He had a childish look in his bright blue eyes. The popular kids thought he was pretty cute. "Introduce yourself." The Principal walked out of the classroom, and the teacher frowned. Haha. No flirting for you, teacher! Finally he spoke after the class had settled down. "My name is Ben."

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora