Chapter 13 (Technically 12. But IDGAF. It's easier this way :D )

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Mah lazeey butt is gonna call dis chapter 13. BECAUSE IT'S EASIER THIS WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY- Kiwi The Waffle (NOEW ON TO DE STOREEH)

I woke up with a start, sat up, and started to cry again. By the looks of it outside, it was about one o'clock, so Kyle was still asleep, and so were the police. I wanted to go outside, but I didn't want to leave Kyle alone. I reached across the bed for my phone on the nightstand. The light was just dim enough that I didn't go blind. Thank god for that. After taking the longest time to scroll through my contacts, I finally got to the number I was looking for. Hopefully he was still awake.

I pressed call, and waited to see if he'd pick up or not. "Hello?" He picked up. "Hi Ben. I wanted to talk to you. Sorry for it being so late." I chuckled awkwardly at my stupid remark. "Nah. It's alright. I wasn't tired anyways." I smiled, knowing that I could talk to Ben about everything that happened. "Hey, I know it's late, but can you come over? I want to talk to you about something. In person. I understand it you can't come ov--" I got interrupted by Ben telling me that he'd be over in a couple of minutes, and he then hung up on me. 

I laid down on the bed, waiting for Ben to get here. "Hello Oli. Did you like my little surprise I had for you?" I slowly sat up, and of course, Jeff was on the edge of the bed smirking at himself. I grabbed the closest thing by me, and threw it at him. "You think a pillow is going to hurt me? You're wrong you kn--" I threw another pillow at his smirking face. It hit Jeff, and he fell over slightly, blinded by the pillow for the moment being. I took the chance and punched him in the face swiftly, but still hard enough to hurt. "I hate you Jeff. You took away some people I cared for. And I don't exactly appreciate it either." I took a swift kick to his side, ass the pillow fell off of Jeff's face. Jeff was glaring at me, as I laughed. "So that's how it's going to be Oli? Don't say I didn't warn you then." 

He swung a punch at me. Barely dodging it, I took the momentum he had been using in that punch, and pushed him in that direction. He fell off the bed, and glared even more at me. Jeff's never-blinking eye's looking me straight in the face. Clearly he wasn't amused anymore. "I think it's time I dispose of you, toy." 

His words hit me in the heart. I don't know why though. I didn't care for this heartless killer. Obviously I was a toy, but why did it still hurt? Jeff pulled out his blood-stained knife, and in a flash, he was holding it up to my throat. Oh my God. This really was the end of me, wasn't it? But, like a sign from heaven, the doorbell rang, and Jeff was gone in a blink of an eye. My life had been saved again.

(Short Chapter, butchuknowhowitis.)

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now