Chapter 22

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"Alright, now that Olivia has met everyone, is there any questions that you may wish to inquire?" Sally raised her hand and asked, "How long is Oli staying for? Can I play with her soon? Why is Jeff and Ben all clingy with her? Where will Oli stay while she's here? Can she stay with me if there ain't? And-" Masky covered her mouth from asking more questions.

"Olivia will be staying here for as long as needed. It depends. Whormones. (*lenny face*) Probably in the guest room. She might be able to stay with you occasionally, if she wishes that is." Wow. Can't believe Slendy got all of that. I didn't get any of it. Sally seemed to get all of it. She's probably a smart kid.

"Any other questions?" It didn't seem to be any, so Slenderman turned towards me, and beckoned to follow him. I let out a sigh, and followed him. We walked into a room. It looked like a library, with all of the bookshelves lining the room. There was a desk near the back of the room. This was probably someone's study. It was quite large too.

"Olivia, do you know what powers you possess?" What powers? I shook my head, and Slendy continued. "No? Alright. I guess I'll have to start from the beginning. Let's see where to begin. Ah. The very beginning should be a good place. Olivia, do you remember your father at all?"

"Well, I only knew him until Kyle was born. I felt like he was just leaving Mom, but honestly I'm not sure. Now that I think about it, he never talked to anyone. Whenever someone came over, he would leave and say he had work to do. Oddly enough, I can't recall his name either. I've always called him 'Dad' and I've never heard my Mom say it." Slenderman chuckled at me. Was I really that pathetic?

"No, Olivia. I don't think you're pathetic. I just think it's amusing that he never told you his name. But, I guess it was a good idea that he never did. Names have a lot more power than you might think. Your name is an identity, and it makes you, you." Jeez. That's a lot to think about. It's hard to believe that I can't even recall my own father's name.

Slenderman began asking me simple questions about my life. Like, where I lived, friends (that I didn't have), my daily schedule, favorite things, stuff like that. And then he got to the the question I didn't feel like answering. "How do you feel about the situation with Jeff and your family?" How did I feel about it?

"I hate Jeff. I hate him with a fiery passion. You can't explain how much I dislike him. He took away one of the few things in life I care about. And especially when I just found my brother. I think I have a pretty goddamn good reason for hating him." Slendy thought for a moment. Probably to piece together his next words that wouldn't cause me to have a tantrum.

"It's understandable to hate Jeff, I suppose. But. did you ever think that maybe he was, and is, following directions? Everything happens for a reason, with a positive or negative outcome on the world. Your mother dying may seen negative to you, but think of it in a different perspective." Wait. So, he's saying that it's a good thing that my mother died?

"If you feel the need to be angry at someone, you might as well be upset at me. Jeff followed his directions. With some of his own choices I didn't approve of, as well. But, overall, I am more to blame than Jeff. Yes, it might be quite a bit to handle, as you've been against Jeff for slightly over two years. But, it was for a greater cause. Max and your Mother saw and knew too much. You and Kyle, on the other hand, are a different situation."

So, let me piece this together. Jeff was following instructions. Slenderman told him to kill my family. It was all because they knew too much. "I can tell you're silently seething right now." He's correct in that matter I suppose. "Then, what do you want me to do about it? It's not like I can bring back the dead." Slendy scoffed at my remark.

"Wrong, Olivia. It is possible to bring back the dead. But, you need two critical parts for it to work. One, being the body. Two, being the soul. For it to work properly, the original body needs to be in working order. Although, it is difficult to perform." Well, I don't have either. So, I guess bringing them back is out of the question, isn't it?

"Anyways, what do you want me to do now? Is this conversation over? Can I leave? We've been in here for almost an hour." I scowled in impatience. "Yes, of course. What would you like for supper?" What kind of a question is that? "Doesn't matter to me," I said as I walked out the doors. Right, before running into someone or course. And falling for fuck's goddamn sake.

"Are you alright?" I looked up from the floor to see Eyeless Jack standing there with his hand stretch out towards me. I pushed it aside as I stood up and replied,"I don't need your goddamn help, Jack." As I walked out I added one more thing, "And don't you dare pity me either. I did outrun you once, and I'll do it again if I have to." By that point, if he didn't already hate me, he would've right then and there.

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora