Chapter 8

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We finished choosing teams, I obviously had the better team, Ben had chosen all the nonathletic people. It was like he was telling me that he was going to win, even though he had bad players. Our teams stood face to face, with Ben and I having a serious face contest. We both made silly faces, and burst out laughing. Okay now, serious face. The game is going to begin. Coach blew the whistle signaling us to begin. I quickly got the ball and started working my way down to the goal. I easily dodged Alison and Brittney, when they tried to get in my way. This was too easy, it was pathetic. But, of course, I was forgetting about Ben. He weaved his way through the crowd and easily caught up to me. I smirked, and ran effortlessly to his goal post and shot.

Ben came out of nowhere, and got the ball. I zig-zagged my way through the people blocking me off from Ben. I ran around the crowd, and predicted his movements. I shot through the crowd and stole the ball. I used the crowd to my advantage, and got the upper-hand. Ben got caught in all the people, and I shot at the goal. I scored.

Next round wouldn't be so easy. We ran through the field back and forth, stealing the ball from one another. Ben got a point for his team. We were tied at the moment. This actually wasn't a team anymore at the moment. It was Ben verses me. And I don't intend on losing. Five more minutes on the clock. I scored a point. Ben scored another point. I had to up my game. I scored another point. I was winning by one point. Three minutes on the clock.

Ben had the ball, and I was pretty intent on winning. This was going to take drastic measures to make sure he wouldn't win. I wouldn't go back on my word either. I ran past Ben, and I tripped him messing up his shot. He missed, and the time was up. I cheered in the air as I realized my reckless move, and timing skills, had landed me a victory. It wasn't 'dirty' playing. It was a simple 'accident.' Luckily no one saw me trip Ben, and they thought he had lost his footing. Thank God, too. The only person that knew I tripped him, was Ben himself.

He scowled at me as I helped him up. "What? Don't look at me like that. I told you I'd trip you if you were winning." I laughed. "It was a dirty trick, but I guess it was pretty effective." Now we were both laughing our heads off. "Oli, wanna meet up after school and hang out?" I shrugged. "Depends on what my Mom says." I snickered, and walked into the Girl's locker room to grab my things.

All of my other classes were boring. I started drawing while paying attention to the teacher in my last class. I didn't know what I was drawing, and if I looked down, I might get in trouble for not paying attention. I'll just wait until the end of this funeral. It was the death of me, alright. Finally, the bell signaling us that the torture was over, I looked at the piece of paper I had been drawing. I let it slip out of my grasp onto the floor as I stood there shocked at what I had drawn. It was a boy that looked similar to Ben, but different. He had a Link tunic on. The boy in the picture had pointed elf ears. His eyes where completely black, except for the pupil. It was dripping something. Probably blood. How could I tell? It was a pencil sketch, so it could be anything for all I know. The boy in the picture had the same facial structure and mischievous smile. It wasn't the Ben I knew, right?

(I decided to post another part. Just a little extra, because I feel like it. YOU'RE WELCOME. -Kiwi

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now