Chapter 4

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Two police men ran up the alleyway. "Miss, are you alright?" I nodded. I was perfectly fine. Surprisingly. I was in shock a bit. Everything was coming back to me. His name was Jeff. And he had the big smile. My thinking got interrupted. "Did you see a teenager dressed in a white hoodie, and black jeans? With white skin, no eyelids, and a cut up smile?" I looked up at them, and shrugged casually. "Why do you ask?" They took a moment to talk to each other about the best approach, I didn't really hear anything. I only heard one word. "Murderer." So I guess this Jeff guy was for real. 

"Is he dangerous or something?" I laughed silently. "Yes. Very. He's a mass murderer, and needs to be stopped. So, did you, or did you not, see him?" They sounded impatient. They weren't being nice, so neither was I. "Maybe. I don't remember. Must have slipped my mind." They looked annoyed. I wasn't one for straight answers when I wanted to be vague. And I wasn't going to straight with them. I don't care it they're the Queen of England. I'm still not answering. I don't feel like it anymore. They kept trying to talk to me. I muted them out. I was more interested in Jeff. 

"Tell me. What's so important about Jeff?" They looked at me surprised. "You mean to tell me you don't already know?" I nodded. "Jeff is a murderer who kills innocent people, and cuts a smile into their faces. His famous catchphrase is 'Go to sleep.' He's got away from the police multiple times. But, this time, we're prepared to catch him. He likes to hang out around this spot, as that's where the most murders happen. So, that's why we asked you." I shrugged, then stood up. "I'll be taking my leave now. My mom is probably worried sick." I smiled innocently. "You shouldn't walk down this alleyway. It's dangerous for a young lady like yourself." I scowled. Who were they to tell me how to run my life?

I walked off down towards the alley again, just to be cut off by them. "You really shouldn't go down that way." I didn't care. It's not like I can't care for myself. "No thanks. I'm alright." I replied. They muttered something, and walked in the opposite direction I was heading. I sprinted the rest of the way down the darkened alley. The sun, threateningly going down. I would be in a lot of  trouble if I didn't get back home soon.

 I ran. And I ran. My lungs burned, begging for air, but I kept on running. My eyes watered as I thought about what Jeff had said. He said he'd be back for me. I wasn't going to be alive for much longer, I bet. He seemed pretty serious about it too. Time to write my will! This day started off okay, but I should've just stayed with Kyle for his birthday party. Too late to go back now. The only direction I can go, is forward.

I reached the street I lived on. I was starting to see black dots. Probably from lack of oxygen. I got closer and closer, and the more black dots I was seeing. I felt like fainting. I reached the house, and ran across the grass. I was actually going to make it! Or so I thought. I couldn't do it. I fought the urge to fall down and black out, but the urge won. And I fell onto the grass, without consciousness. 

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now