Chapter 1

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"Oli, wake up!"

I slowly woke up from the bed to see my younger brother looking at me with a giant grin on his face. Only to remember why. It was his birthday, and he was turning seven years old. I remember being seven. I jumped up and down so much. I beckoned him over and he sat at the edge of my bed. "Kyle, you're turning seven years old today. Are you excited?" I said quietly. "Of course I am, Olivia! I'm going to get lots of presents, cake, and food, and I'm going to have a party too!" Kyle threw his arms up in the air dramatically to show how excited he was. I giggled a bit, and turned back to my pillow to go back to my dream, but Kyle decided differently.

"Kyle! Give me back Mr. William!" I shouted. Mr. William was a stuffed wolf I had gotten from my dad. That is, before he disappeared completely. It was the last thing I had gotten from him. And, I hadn't seen him for six years. I miss him. I hope he'll come back too. "Nope. I'm not giving back Mr. William until you get out of bed, Oli!" And with that he ran out the door with my precious stuffed wolf.

I threw off my blanket, and sneaked out the door. Maybe Kyle won't see me coming. A smirk formed on my face, as I tip-toed down the hall in search of my silly little brother. I heard him giggle from inside his bedroom door. I reached the door, turned the doorknob carefully, and quietly. I threw open the door, and tackled Kyle. "Time for the Birthday Tickles!" I laughed. "No, please! Anything but that!" he replied.

I tickled him, until his face turned red. I'm pretty sure mine was too. I laughed as much as he did. We got up and raced to the kitchen. "Mom. We're hungry!" we said in unison. Mom giggled, and turned back to the pan on the oven. She was making chocolate pancakes. Mine, and Kyle's favorite thing to eat in the morning. Kyle and I jumped up and down. "Yes! Chocolate Pancakes! My favorite!" Kyle stated. "Good. I've been cooking these all morning, so they better be." Mom turned towards us, each handing us a plateful of perfectly cooked pancakes.

"So, Kyle, you're finally seven years old. How does it feel?" Mom finally asked. Kyle had a mouthful of pancake about to speak, when I interrupted him. "Speaking with your mouth full is gross, Kyle!" He grinned evilly, and spit his pancake back on his plate. "Ewww. Kyle. I swear, the only reason I know we're related is the birth certificate Mom has." He just giggled, then answered Mom. "It feels good. I bet I'm as old as Oli now!" Mom burst out laughing, as did I, while Kyle had the most confused look on his face. "I'm Thirteen, Kyle. You're six years younger than me. That's a lot of time left." I said between laughs. "I'll get there someday at least!" He said before shoving his pancake mess back into his mouth.

(I'm changing it so Olivia is 13. It'll make sense later. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT)

Work In Progress (Jeff The Killer x OC) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now