"They left, we woke up late. We're alone."

Nash POV

"We're alone." She said. My breath caught in my throat as Ava said those words. I know she was just stating a fact, but I couldn't help but imagine what we could do. Alone. It was then that I realized I was only in my boxers, and I quickly covered my lower half with a sheet. Ava saw this and blushed. I smiled sheepishly at her, scanning over her body quickly. Once again, my breath caught in my throat. I'm sure if she knew what I was thinking, she'd think I was a douche. I couldn't help it, she is beautiful. She stood up and walked to the door. As she opened it, standing half inside and a half outside, she smiled.

"Get dressed, I'll meet you in the lobby and we can grab breakfast." I nodded and smiled, standing up and walking. "Oh, and Nash?" She asked. I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "You should be more subtle when you're checking me out." She said with a smirk, walking out the door. I took a deep breath and let it out, unable to control my smile. It really was upsetting that she liked Matt.


I waited down in the lobby, scrolling through my Twitter. I had so many new followers, and honestly, I thought it was sweet how the boy's fans were supportive of their friends as well.

"Ready, princess?" Nash asked. I looked up to meet his eyes and smiled.

"Ready," I said. He grinned and we walked out of the hotel to a small restaurant down the corner.

"So you and Matt?" Nash said with a small smirk, looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"We're just friends."


"I promise we're just friends," I said honestly.

"Remember our promise? I need to be the first one to know if you start liking anyone. It's a little late for that... I nodded.

"I remember."

"So, do you like anyone?" He asked. I wished that I was a better liar.

"Nope," I said. He grinned.

"You do!"

"No, I don't." God, I was a horrible liar.

"Yes, you do! I know when you're lying!" He said. I refused to give up.

"I do not like anyone, Nash." He grinned.

"I could tickle it out of you." He said. My eyes widened as I backed up.

"Don't you dare." He grinned.

"So there is somebody. Ava, you promised." He pouted. I did promise him, but I wasn't about to tell him that I liked him.

"There's nobody, Nash."

"Please tell me." He said, making a puppy dog face. I shook my head.

"I can't tell you because there's nobody." I lied. He smiled.

"Well then, when you're ready to tell me, I'll be here." He said. I sighed, wishing for a moment that he knew how I felt. We walked into the restaurant and sat at a table as our waiter smiled.

"What can I get for you?"

"I'll have a pancake stack with sausage on the side, please," Nash said. The waiter turned to me.

"And for you, pretty lady?"

Nash POV

"And for you, pretty lady?" The waiter asked. I clenched my jaw out of jealousy at the way Ava smiled at him.

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