Chapter 1 II I'm The Babysitter

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Nash POV

"Mom I don't think you need to hire a babysitter for Skylynn I'm sixteen
and perfectly capable of doing it myself."

" Yes Nash it is, you ALMOST burned down the house!"

" So you trust a stranger more than me to babysit?"

"No, that's why I'm  interviewing  them."

"Ok, so you trust someone you have known for 5 minutes more with skylynn that me!"

She sighed " Nash I'm hiring a babysitter for Skylynn and that is final. Not to mention your out most of the time, and I want someone to be there with Skylynn during magcon."

I rolled my eyes as Skylynn walked into the room. " Mommy, I don't wanna babysitter I want Nash, Hayes, and Will.

" Wouldn't you rather have a girl to play with?"

Skylynn glared at her "Nash."

"I'm sorry, honey this isn't your decision it's mine, We're getting you a babysitter."

"All the people we have interviewed are stupid" Skylynn cried. I laughed and my mom gave me a bad look.

Ava Jacobson POV

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath as my phone fell to the ground.

" Well you're off to a great start," a boy voice said. I look up to see a boy about thirteen or fourteen had opened the door.

" I don't think your mom needs to hear about that" I whispered. He smirked.

" That's for me to decide" He teased.

" Are you the little girl I'm being interviewed to babysit?" I asked

" Ha ha, very funny." He said sarcastically.  I grinned

" I know I'm hilarious," I said with a smile.

" The little girl you're being interviewed to babysit is my sister Skylynn, I'm Hayes Grier". He said

" Well, it's nice to meet you, Hayes Grier. I'm Ava Jacobson.

He smiled, " Mom another person here." He called

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing a white flowy sun dress with buttons going down the middle, and sandals. I looked up when I heard a lady's voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry to keep you waiting".

" It's ok Mrs. Floyd I was talking with Hayes," I said .

" Oh honey, I'm sorry about that too and please call me Elizabeth". She said chuckling.

" So, I'll just show you to the living room". I followed her with Hayes beside me.

" Is this a new person"? I smile as Elizabeth laughs " What's your name?" she asked looking up at me.

I bent down to her height, which wasn't considering I was 5,2.

" Ava, what's yours?"

" Skylynn," she said cheekily. I smiled.

" That's a beautiful name," I said while standing back up.

" Thank you," she said sweetly.

Elizabeth smiled. " Please have a seat, Ava." I sat down across from her on the couch.

" How old are you," she asked 

"Sixteen". I said biting my lip, I hope she didn't think that was too young.  I mean, I was probably only like two or three years older than her son. But she smiled

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