Beware Of Sexiiman1234 (Chapter 3-Meeting Hanson)

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Chapter 3 : Meeting Hanson

I left my house around 2:30pm. The day was hot and bright. I took the bus to the mall and got there around 2:50pm. I walked through Macy's to get to the main lobby of the mall. Hanson told me to meet him by the angel fountain in the lobby. I looked around but I did not see him.  

I sat down by the fountain, patiently waiting for him.  

After 10 minutes of looking I almost gave up hope. I was about to text Hanson when a dark figure stood over me. This dark figure was kind of creepy looking. I looked back hoping this was Hanson.

"hey, are you Katia?"

"why? Who wants to know?"

"It's me Hanson."

"hahaha stop joking!" I laugh louder. This man looked in his early 40s. He had a gray beard and  

streaks of gray in his hair. He reminded me of old Brad Pitt.

"I'm not joking. Here you go." he pulled out his I.D then gave it to me.

"Ha....ha....ha....h.." my laugh quickly died down. It then turned into fear.

"how are you Katia." he opened his arms , hoping for a hug. 

I backed away with a blank stare on my face.

"What's wrong?" He began to walk towards me.

I scurried away with so many thoughts in my head. I could not even look back or think about how he was feeling. 

How could I have been so stupid? 

Why me?  

The thoughts made me quiver.  


I got home and ran straight to my room. Not even 5 minutes later, my mom came knocking on the door. 

"Sweetie are you okay?"

"Yes mom."

"How was the mall?" 

I put on an excited voice

"Everything was fun, we weren't there long but it was cool."

"That's good to hear."

"You can go now. I need to rest, I have a lot on my mind."  

I deleted Hanson's phone number then I went to sleep. 


For the past couple of days, I stayed inside of my room, curled up in my sheets. Only time I came out was to eat dinner. Maria and my mom came to check on me. My mom thought it was a friend situation. I suspect Maria of trying to figure it out. Hanson continued to call and text my phone but I did not answer nor reply to them.

(knock knock)


"Twerp you have a letter."

"Fr..." before I could finish, I heard something swoop across the floor. I got up to see a blank envelope that only said 'To:Katia'.  

I wonder who it was from. I opened it up and read the letter....

Dear Love,

I know things have been crazy but I still love you. I need you in my life. I need you to talk to me. I am dying without hearing your voice or seeing a text from you. Please my love, reply to this letter. I will receive it one way or another. Things will be okay. I will come pick you up from school once it starts. I will take care of you. You can live with me. I want to be the daddy of your babies and I want to be your husband. Pretty pretty please call me. I love you Katia. I will never let you go. You will always be in my heart. The things I will do for you.... 

1)love you 

2)cherish you  

3) marry you 

4)Worship you

and more

Sincerely: Hanson XOXO

This man is seriously messed up! I am freaking 16! He is like 40! I couldn't tell my mom just yet. I ripped up the letter then flushed it down the toilet.  

What am I going to do about this? ...maybe threaten him? 

I have to do something before this gets worse.

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