Beware of Sexiiman1234 (Chapter Two: Why so Happy?)

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Chapter Two: Why So Happy?

Hanson and I have been talking for about a month now. We have been planning to meet tomorrow (July 19,2011) at the mall around 3:00pm. Maria nor my mother knows about tomorrows get together. If they found out, they would go crazy, then I would get punished again.

I do have some fears about tomorrow, fears such as: he a criminal on the sneak tip?

2. Has he been lying to me?

3. Does he look exactly as he showed me or has he been on google? 4. Is he a rapist? 5. Is he really 18?.

These thoughts have been flowing through my mind all day.

"sweetie, pizza is here." My mom yells up the stairs. "here I come!" I raced down the stairs. The smell of the pizza tingled my nose. This sent me into "hungry mode."

Maria, mom, and I sat down at the table and began to eat the delicious cheese pizza from Pizza Pop. Pizza pop sure knows how to advertise well because the pizza made my taste buds pop in enjoyment.

After eating, I received a text message from Hanson. "who are you texting?" Maria asks as she tries to peek at my phone. "None of your business!" My mom comes back into the dining room with a sun baked cheese cake. "young lady put that phone away its dessert time." She demands as she lays the cheesecake down on the table

The cheesecake was good but I sure didn't stay around to savor the flavor. I quickly ran upstairs to call Hanson for the first time. "dang why is she in such a rush?" I hear Maria tell my mom. I get up to my bed room to call him, he answers the phone on the first ring.

Hanson: Hello?(soft manly voice)

Me: Hey cutie (jokingly)

Hanson: Hey sexy (in serious voice)

(He was flirting with me but I was joking and he was serious.)

Hanson: I can't wait to see your beautiful body and your beautiful face.

Me: uhhh I guess so?

Hanson: You are way too pretty I could just kiss you right now.(his voice softens up)

Me: Woah woah chill out with that.

Hanson: Ummm what? I just want you to feel appreciated.

Me: I am appreciated thank you very much. (sarcasm)

We talked for about 5 hours before we called it a night. He seemed like a really nice guy, I hope he really is how he seems.

Saturday July 19,2011 at 11:00am.

I wake up to an extremely hot day. It was so hot I decided to look my very best. I chose to wear black designer capris,black and white converses, and a white "kill you with a kiss" off the shoulder shirt. It was too hot for jewelry and definitely too hot for makeup.

I went down stairs to eat breakfast. The smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes made my stomach cry for food. "Smells good" I say as I happily skip into the kitchen.

"thanks. Why are you so happy today? Are you glad to be hanging out with Christal and Jamie?" My mom continues cooking on the stove not noticing the expressions on my face. " yea sure." I sneak into the living room hoping to scare maria.

"I hear you twerp!" Maria's eyes still staring at the tv. "How in the world did you hear me? You didn't even turn around to see me plus I was quiet."

"I heard your heavy breathing" Maria says jokingly. I pull her long brown hair. "just kidding I heard you talking to mom." "and?" I stand in front of her with my hands on my hips. " Move your blocking the tv!" "No!" "Mom!" I quickly hop down into the seat "why are you so happy? oh Never mind I already know. I heard you on the phone last night."

My heart rate begins to increase and my stomach begins to turn. "why do you think I'm so happy?" "because you are going to the mall. We all know you haven't been outside yet since you been off punishment.""yeah your right." I smile at her and my heart rate begins to slow down. "Girls its breakfast time." We all sit down for breakfast. After breakfast I sat around and chilled for a couple of hours then I head to the mall.

I hope this day goes well. :)

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