Chapter 40

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March 3rd

"And why didn't you kiss him? Obviously that's what he wanted to do!"

"Yes obviously by the way he pulled away he wanted me to kiss him." I rolled my eyes and re positioned the phone on my ear so I could get my things out of the trunk of my car. It's the first time since being on the Misty show that I have talked to Lucy and I had to fill her in on everything that has happened in the last few weeks. Everything from talking to Orion's parents to talking to my mom and the what I thought was an almost kiss from Oliver.

"Did you want to kiss him?" She asked the one question I wished she wouldn't.

"I don't know. Is it bad if I say I did? It was probably just hormones." Speaking of my unplanned pregnancy, every sideways glace I got in the halls was greeted with a scowl from me. I wasn't the happiest pregnant lady around.

"Or maybe you like him. What would be so wrong with that? He's a great guy!"

"You mean other than the fact that Orion and I just broke up? Or how about that I have another man's baby inside me?"

"Three months ago. He ditched you three months ago. You guys were only together for a few weeks. When do you think is a good time to get over it? And who cares if you're pregnant. Lots of women have kids and marry other dudes. Stop being dramatic, start going after shit you want."

She had a point and I was over it but it still felt wrong. From getting Orion to getting pregnant to moving to the next one. I felt as cheap as the news was making me out to be.

"Listen," She sighed. "You can't hold on to him forever. What happened wasn't your fault and if he wants to blame you then that's his problem. I know you are over him but you are more afraid than ever to make that commitment with someone else. You deserve to be happy."

"I have to go; my class is starting soon. I understand what you're saying and I'll do my best to let in the next guy that comes around but it's not Oliver. I don't think it will ever be like that."

We said our goodbyes and I started for my first class of the day. My body was sending me mixed emotions of happiness and nervousness over seeing Oliver. He had left early every day this week and it was starting to feel like deja vu. I didn't think he was the type to be scared off so easily, especially when I hadn't done anything. But we have only been alone together for a total of one hour in the last week.

"Rae, hey! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Oliver sat down in the desk next to mine. I smiled when I saw him and noticed the sheen of sweat covering his forehead. How long had he been looking for me? He leaned his head back over the edge of the seat and panted.

"Why? We have this class together. It couldn't wait until you saw me at 11:00?" I laughed as he tried to catch his breath. He was dressed in a light blue polo shirt that brought out his eyes and a pair of khaki pants. He looked cute and professional like always.

"Well I was hoping I would see you before class. Do you want to grab lunch after this? I know you have classes until 6 tonight but you still need to eat." He looked down at my belly that now swollen to a larger beer gut.

"That sounds so good. I'm always starving."

"So I've seen. I noticed your plate of pickles and peanut butter in the sink this morning. What time did you eat that?"

"I was starving and he likes salty peanut butter. Besides it was only two in the morning." I rubbed my belly affectionately and gave him the puppy dog eyes. They always worked on him. That was how I got him to give me his fruit roll up yesterday after class. Even after I made fun of him for eating fruit roll ups in college.

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