Chapter 9

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The tension in the cafe was suffocating to say the least. I felt mixed emotions; guilt for not letting him in my fortress, anger for him pushing me too hard, and sad that a simple question like whats your middle name makes me build my walls higher.

"Do you want to come back to my apartment? I have two room mates but it's really early, they are probably asleep." I'm not sure what came over me.  I have never had a man in my room before, and I just met him. But part of me is saying that we met for a reason. I'll blame it all on sleep deprivation later.

"Sure, your place is good." He nodded, leading me out of the coffee shop. We walk across the lot to his truck. Orion climbs in effortlessly while I struggle on my side. I have to use the 'oh shit handle' to haul myself into the seat.

Once we were in the car and buckled, he turned the key and the heater came to life. We didn't even have to wait for the car to warm up before we took off down the street towards my apartment. I did my best not to look at him, but every few seconds I found my eyes flicking towards his direction. They grazed over his body studying his shaggy black hair that was in need of a cut, the light stubble that was beginning to form on his jaw and neck, I watched as his fingers gripped the wheel, knuckles turning white, like he was attempting to keep both of them on the steering wheel and no where else. I watched as his chest moved up and down with every breath he took, and in an instant I was mesmerized by him and every movement his body made.

I could feel my core heating up and I could see sweat forming on his brow. My heart was beating out of my chest and for a moment, I thought he could hear it because his eyes flickered over to me before turning back to the road we were driving on. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my mind off of anything besides Orion. It was hard though. Even in the giant truck we were sitting in, his body took up most of the space. I felt small, insignificant beside this man with a reputation alone demanded the attention of everyone around him.

With a few more instructions and gruff acknowledgements, ten minutes later the car was in park. Our doors flew open before the car was even off, just to escape the heat of the car. The misty air outside felt like heaven on my skin, goosebumps rise to the surface and chill me to the bone. I took a deep breath and the tension left my body. When I stole a look at Orion, his back was facing away from me and both hands on the back of his head, running through his hair. I could see his back rise and fall with every heavy breath he was taking, and when he did turn around, his eyes locked with mine, and I saw a primal emotion flash through them. He felt it too.

"So," He croaked out and cleared his throat to regain the strong voice he always held. "This is your place?"

"Yeah," I looked up at the dark red brick building that I called home. "I share it with my two room mates though and like I said, it's pretty early, so we should be quiet." I didn't want to wake them, but I was more concerned of them seeing Orion; the first guy I have ever brought over and they already think I'm a prostitute. "Don't... talk to anyone." I warn for my own sake, wincing as the words leave my mouth.

He nodded his head with pursed lips and followed me up the stairs to the apartment building. After unlocking my door, I peeked my head inside to see if anyone was up. When I didn't spot anyone, I held the door open more for Orion to get through. I quietly led him up the stairs and to my room down the hall, I opened my door for him, but before I could shut it behind me, Jason walked out of the bathroom across from my room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and his chest was bare with water droplets, no doubt he had just gotten out of the shower. I had never asked him, but I was fairly certain that Jason shaved his chest. 

He stared blankly back into my eyes and then looked behind me at Orion, who hadn't noticed him yet. He looked back to me and the tired expression that was previously there was replaced with a smirk that made my skin crawl. I scowled at him before going into my room and shutting the door behind me. I looked back to Orion who was standing in the middle of my room looking around at everything that is and isn't Raegan Donovan.

My room was made up of my desk that had a few pictures for my family and my old dog, my dresser with the TV on top of it, and my large king size bed with a plain white duvet. The walls were a light brown and there were no posters or pictures hanging up. All in all, my bedroom was a place where I came to relax with no distractions. 

But it isn't me. In the room I grew up in the walls are a bright shade of yellow that made me happy to wake up. There were pictures, posters, notes, and drawings lining the walls, shelves, dresser, and desk. My bed was piled with blankets in bright abstract patterns and pillows so fluffy that all you wanted to do was come snuggle with them. This place, this crappy apartment I shared with two people who barely knew me, would never be called home. I would never put up pictures or posters or fun blankets because this place I sleep in doesn't bring me joy. It's a means to an end. 

"Nice place." He said and I scoffed.

"I think boring is the word you were looking for." I rolled my eyes and plopped down on my bed. Picking up the remote and switching on the TV.

"Sorry, I've just never been in a girl's room before." He looked down at his shoes and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"You're joking right?" I couldn't hold in the small giggle that escaped my lips.

"No? Why would I joke about something like that? That's embarrassing." He looked up and his face contorted to a mix of anger and embarrassment. Fires burning behind his dark green eyes. Oh.

"Can I ask why? Because I find it very hard to believe that a guy that looks like you, has never seen the inside of a woman's room before, let alone, hundreds of them." I was trying to make light of the now serious situation. Luckily for me, he smiled and kicked his shoe at the carpet.

"A guy that looks like me, huh? Is that what you think?" His eyes danced with humor, and I could tell he was doing everything he could to hold back his laughter. I nodded my head but avoided eye contact and I looked through the Netflix feed. "Well, you aren't entirely wrong. I don't go to a women's houses often, but I have had a couple of girls to my house before, but not hundreds, that's absurd."

"Well, welcome to your first. If it makes you feel any better, you're the first man to have been in here, other than my room mate's boyfriends, of course. But they aren't invited, they're just rude." I roll my eyes. 

"We're like bedroom virgins." He chuckled quietly, keeping my room mates in mind. I noticed he was still standing in the middle of my room.

"You can sit down, if you want. I have that desk chair that I'm sure you won't fit in or you can sit on the bed with me." What was I doing? A week after meeting this guy and I was already inviting him into bed wit me? My dad would kill me. I laugh internally. This would be the least of his worries.

Orion looked back at the small desk chair and shrugged his shoulders, making his way to the side of the bed I wasn't currently sprawled out on.

"What are we watching?"

"You're the guest, you tell me."

"I don't watch much TV, so I won't be of any help. You can pick."

"The Office it is." I barely had time to watch TV myself, but The Office was reliable.

"Never heard of it, but I'll trust you." He kicked off his shoes and scooted down into the bed so he was lying beside me, his head next to my own. He folded his hands behind his head and out of the corner of my eyes I could see his arms flex. I tried extra hard not to look his way and avoid making eye contact because if I did he would know I find him attractive. Which might have been his plan all along.

We lie in silence, watching the show I had chosen and every once in awhile he would ask me a question about why someone did something and I would answer him. I tried not to think about how his thigh was touching mine or how his skin was as hot as fire even with us both wearing jeans, but sometimes I couldn't stop myself. After awhile everything became blurry and I drifted off into sleep. The last thing that was on my mind was the sound of Orion's steady breathing beside me.



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