Chapter 36

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Sunday February 5th

"So, how did your roommates take the news that you were moving out with like, no notice?" Paul asked as he heaved a box of my clothes up from the floor.

"Amanda told me halfheartedly that I didn't have to go, saying she didn't care that I was a prostitute. Becca was beyond happy because she, and I quote, "thought it was nasty to share a bathroom with me now". I don't know what her deal is lately but it doesn't matter anymore.

"Is this the last of it?" Lucy asked as she walked out of my closet holding a pair of gym shorts and an old teddy bear my brother gave to me for Valentine's day when we were kids. "Rae, I didn't think you were so sentimental." She teased as she waved the plush little toy at me.

I snatched it from her and tucked it into my side. "I'm not, but my brother gave this to me when I was in kindergarten. I don't know, I've always loved it. Now I can pass it down to this little bug." I rubbed my stomach affectionately. I was starting to grow but it was barely noticeable; I just looked bloated.

"That reminds me, have your parents called you?" Paul asked as he started to walk out of the bedroom door. He didn't stick around for the answer, but I knew Lucy would want to know.

"No, they haven't. Either they don't know or they aren't talking to me because they are ashamed. I'm hoping its the former but wouldn't be surprised if it the later."

"I'm sure it will all work out, they have to understand that you did your best so they wouldn't go bankrupt trying to pay your tuition."

"Hey! Where is lover boy? Why isn't he helping us move all of your crap?" Paul shouted as he ran up the stairs.


"No shit. Who else would I be talking about? Orion?"

"Hey! What crawled up your ass?" Lucy put her hand on her hip and glared at Paul.

Paul imitated her stance and said in a high pitched girly voice, "I'm moving all of these boxes alone, it's cold as fuck outside, and I'm starving."

"Guys don't fight in front of the baby." I whined.

"The baby isn't even born yet?"

"I was talking about myself." I stuck my tongue out at them. "Anyways, were finished. We can go eat."

"Thank sweet baby Jesus!" Paul threw his hands in the air dramatically. "Wait, you still didn't answer my question. Where is Oliver and why isn't he helping me."

"He's back at the house emptying out the room I am going to use. He will help you move everything inside."

"He should move it all in by himself..." Paul grumbled.

"Will you shut up? It was two boxes, a desk and a mattress, which I helped with. We will feed you before we go to Oliver's if you stop crying." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Fine, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"If you give me loves." He sang suggestively and waltzed towards Lucy who was now by the window. "C'mon just a kiss Luce." She shrieked when he pounced towards her. I took my opportunity to walk out the door before they started making out. I took one final look around the bathroom and the kitchen to make sure I grabbed everything that was mine. Luckily it was only the first week of the month so the girls didn't make me pay any rent towards this month.

I decided to wait in the back seat of Paul's truck until the two were done making out in my now old bedroom. A part of me was upset about moving, having nostalgic thoughts about when I first moved in and all of the fun we had. But most of all, I was happy. I hated it here. At least with Oliver, I didn't have to hide who I was because he doesn't judge me. Becca, Amanda and I may have had fun in the three years we lived together but it was mostly arguments and sex scandals and recently, feeling unsafe whenever Jason came over. I was always afraid of his revenge.

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