Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up and Orion was already gone. I followed my same routine as the day before. I took my shower and changed into jeans and a tshirt and a messy bun on top of my head. I took my backpack from beside the door and a set of Orion's keys from the hook and opened the door to the makeshift driveway. I opened the truck's door and pulled myself up into the seat and made my way to school.

I hopped out of the car once I arrived and walked straight to my first class of the day. I saw Becca and Amanda talking by the cafeteria but ducked into a crowd of people and avoided them before they saw me. I just wasn't ready to face them yet. I pulled open the door to my first class and sat in my usual seat, tucking my bag under my chair. I took out my phone, since I still had ten more minutes until my class started, looking at it for the first time today.

ORION> Drive Safe, have a good day at school. Don't crash. ;)

ME> Took the shiny red car out today. Hope you don't mind.

ORION> As long as you don't crash it, I don't care what car you take.

ME> REALLY??? Aren't guys supposed to be overly protective of their cars?

ORION> It's just a car. I can replace it.

ORIOIN> Besides I'm more protective over you ;)

ORION> Did you really take my Ferrari?

ME> No I took the truck. I wouldn't take the red one without asking first.

I closed my phone and exchanged it for my laptop that was inside my bag. I powered it on and pulled up the word pad so I could take notes for the hefty lecture I knew came with this class every other day. A few minutes later the professor trotted in and set his briefcase on his desk. The room slowly became silent as the teacher took center stage. "Alright class, lets begin." He clapped his hands together and dove into his lecture. I was only half listening to what he was saying. The other part of me was trying to tune out the girls giggling behind me. You would think being in med school would bring the maturity out in people. I guess not.

"He is so hot."

"He's only a TA, is it still frowned upon to sleep with the students?"

"God, I hope not. I would screw his brains-"

The professor turned and gave them a stern look, obviously hearing their conversation. The whole class tried to hold back their laughter, some failing more miserably than others. I looked in the direction of the boy they were drooling over to see a faint smile on his lips, biting his lip to suppress the grin. He was still looking down at the papers he was grading and gave his head a small shake. He obviously heard their conversation, along with the rest of the class.

But the more I studied him, the more and more he looked familiar. His dark brown hair that was sticking up in every which way, the sneaky lopsided grin, the playful look in his eyes that I could spot even from this far away. 

He was the guy from class yesterday. Oliver.

He caught my eye and gave me a small wave. His grin turned into an actual smile and the girls behind me muttered, "Oh my god."

After the laughter of the class came to an end the professor continued with his discussion. I let my eyes roam over to Oliver for a moment as he was staring back at the computer screen. I could see what the girls behind me found attractive about him. He wasn't as heavily built as Orion, but he was filled out in all the right places. He sat up straight and his shoulders were squared. His jaw line was straight as a ruler, the dimple in his chin made him look like superman. And I've seen his smile enough to know that it would knock any girl off her feet. He would easily make a hot doctor that nurses and patients would pine over.

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