Chapter 26

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Ok, shout out to @Pravi_Singh for my very first comment! I actually teared up a little when I saw the ship name. I know.. I'm dramatic. No shame. 

I love you all! Thanks for the reads and the votes!


After my long weekend with Orion, I finally went back to the apartment that I pay for every month. Orion didn't want me to go at first because he didn't want me around Jason but we came to an agreement that he could come by any day, anytime he wanted and I would stay at his house on weekends when I didn't have school. He also installed a new lock on my bedroom door so that the only way anyone would get in is if they break down the door or have a key. 

He did finally release my car keys from his custody after trying to make me take the keys to the SUV. I told him there was no need for me to drive that and if I happened to break down I could always walk the two miles it is to my school. I also told him the only car of his I would take was the red one and he quickly agreed.

Apparently sarcasm was lost in translation.

I didn't get much sleep without the furnace that is Orion Miller lying next to me. I missed him but I wasn't ready to move in, no matter how close we had become, or the bomb he dropped on me the other night. The last few days consisted of lying in bed or on the couch watching TV and eating. We talked about everything and anything and by the time the weekend was over we both were thoroughly relaxed. We had been in our own little world, never leaving the house or turning on the news. Orion had texted Paul to not come over so we could be alone and just relax.

He told me not to worry about the confession he had made. Telling me he understood that it was 'a little too soon' and that he didn't want me to say it back until I was one hundred percent sure. The fact that I had never said those words to anyone other than family scared me. Family was there for you always and never let you down. The first person I said the words to, I want to be sure they will never leave and never let me down.

I knew this feeling in the pit of my stomach was more than a deep liking for Orion, but I wasn't sure it was love either. There were still so many things standing in between us that I wanted our path to be clear before we started skipping off into our happily ever after. This past weekend was the perfect time for us to become experts on each other and get used to spending so much time together.

And maybe have copious amounts of sex.

At least every other hour. Sometimes twice an hour, at 4 AM when I woke up to go pee, against the fridge, at 7 AM when he woke up to make us breakfast, after lunch, while watching TV, after working out when we were covered in sweat, in the shower, in the movie room. The list goes on.

But three days and a sex marathon don't make you fall in love. Talking and getting to know each others strengths and weaknesses and loving each other through them, thats what we needed and those things take time.

When I did get home, the girls asked why I was walking funny and I had to tell them I twisted my ankle while going up the stairs. They had wanted to know where I was the past few days but all I told them was that I was staying at a work friend's house. They were skeptical but luckily they dropped it. 

Jason and Temporary Boyfriend(apparently there's a new one) had practice so they wouldn't be coming back to the apartment. Orion and I would sleep a little better knowing this. I asked Becca how Jason was doing, trying my best to sound concerned. She told me he had a mild concussion and a broken nose, fractured jaw and around his eyes were still bruised. After hearing all that, I was actually concerned. Not for him, but if what he might try to do to Orion or me. 

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