Chapter 2

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"Alright Sandy! I'm done for the night!" I called after I changed back into my street clothes and took off all of my makeup.

"Okay, Thanks Rae! Good work tonight. I'll see you Thursday." My manager called out to me from her office, rolling her chair back just enough so I could see her wave me goodbye. 

As I walked out of Temptations and towards my car I checked my phone. It was almost four in the morning and I was exhausted. I quickly got in my car and drove home. It took me an hour to drive back to my apartment and it had nothing to do with traffic, especially at this time of night. No, I chose to work at a club far away from my apartment because I didn't want to see any of my class mates, or worse, a teacher.

Once I finally reach my street, I look at the clock. It's 5:15 and I still have class at 7:00. Looks like I'm not going to sleep today. Super.
I decided I wasn't even going to stay at home. I ran in and took a quick shower, threw my wet hair up into a bun and put on a pair of sweats. I took my back pack off of my bed, being extra carefully not to wake up my two room mates, and ran down the stairs. I was looking through my bag to make sure I had everything I needed for today but as I was walking towards the front door, I ran into what felt like a brick wall. I looked up at what was in my way only to see none other than Jason, my room mate's over sized, brain dead, and half naked boyfriend.

His face split into a grin as he looked down at me. It wasn't that Jason was bad looking, because he wasn't. Obviously any girl would be into the schools massive linebacker with his defined chest and chiseled chin. But, once you have a conversation with him, not only do you feel yourself losing brain cells, you leave feeling uncomfortable and violated.

Jason was a creep.

"Hey, Raegan. Where you been all night?" He smirked, eyeing me up and down. He didn't know what I did for a living, none of my room mates did, but they had all pretty much assumed it was something along the lines of prostitution considering I was out from 7:00 at night until 5:00 in the morning. But I would rather them not know what I did and guess than actually tell them and have it spread around school.

I roll my eyes at Jason and shove my way past him. Without as much as a word to him I walked out the door and down the steps towards my car. Once in my car, I drove further down the street until I came across my favorite coffee shop. It was small and never busy but they had the best coffee in Palo Alto. Typically I would stay home and make coffee myself, but if I did my bed would be calling me and I know I wouldn't turn it down. I work too damn hard to miss any of my classes.
After parking my car I walk into the shop and order the strongest cup of coffee they could give me. I tip the barista and then waited off to the side. A few people walked in after me but I hadn't really taken notice to any of them, I was busy on my phone trying to look up the score I had received on the last paper I wrote for one of my classes. That is until someone shoved into me like I wasn't even there. "Watch it!" I snapped and glared up to see who the dumb ass was, but I stopped short when I saw piercing forest green eyes look down at me.

"Sorry." He muttered with a confused expression on his face. I didn't say anything. I couldn't even if I wanted to, my mouth had become dry. I just looked at him with what I imagined as the worst face you can make to someone you found attractive. His confused expression still hadn't left his face though, as he cocked his head to the side and stared at me as if he were looking for something to say or maybe something to think.

"Large black coffee with 6 extra shots!?" The barista called out. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That's me." I said barely loud enough for myself to hear, let alone the barista. I still hadn't looked away from the man standing before me. Neither of us moved from where we were standing, we just continued to stare back at each other. He looked so familiar but I don't know why. Shaking my head, I eventually regained my composure and stepped around him to take my coffee. I gave him a tight smile and walked away to a table by the fireplace and pulled out my phone again to distract myself.

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