Chapter 12

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It took me a good thirty minutes but I finally convinced Orion that he didn't have to pick me up from work. I was perfectly capable of finding the place on my own. I was already sleeping at the guys' house; I didn't need a chaperon to and from work as well. 

After I got to work, I followed my same routine. I walked back stage and to my dresser. Tonight I picked out a white lacy push up bra and a matching pair skin tight white spandex shorts. If you could even call them shorts. 

After slipping them on, I went to my vanity and turned on my flat iron. I put on a heavy layer of face make up and I started to work on my eyes. I put on a light shade of orange on my lids and then lined it with brown eyeliner. When my eyes were open it resembled a sort of sunset that made my blue eyes stand out. I put on a light shade on pink lipstick, opting out of the lip gloss so it wouldn't wear off through the night. Outside of work I never wore makeup. This routine was something I specifically did for work and that was all. School consisted of sweats or jeans and my hair in a messy heap of tangles on top of my head that us girls call a bun. With make up and hair for work, I couldn't find it in me to do it for the rest of the week too.

"Raegan!" I heard a familiar squeal from behind me that I instantly recognized as Lucy. "I need details!" I looked behind myself in the mirror to see her trotting towards me, careful not to trip in her heels. She was already "dressed" for work in a dark red bra and a black thong. Her platinum hair was pulled into a high ponytail and her makeup was smokey around her eyes. She looked ready to dominate the world, even if she was almost naked.

"There aren't really any details, Luce." Lies.

"Bitch, please. I know better than that. Spill. Now. What happened after you left? Where did he take you? Tell me everything!" She fired questions at me and I felt like I was in middle school. She picked up the hair straightener and went to work on my frizzy hair. I was so thankful that Lucy was a cosmetologist on the side. It meant I didn't have to try very hard when she was here.

"He took me to breakfast, some place called Gingers. And then last night we" Shit.

"Wait, you guys went out twice? Where did you go?" She prodded getting suspicious.

"Backtomyplace." I mumbled quickly hoping me wouldn't catch what I had said.

"YOU TOOK HIM BACK TO YOUR APARTMENT??? ARE YOU INSANE??? Oh my god, Raegan! Those idiots already think you're a hooker, what if they saw him go into your room?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked down shamefully. Her eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of her head before she closed them and shook her head back and forth like she was trying to forget.

"Tell me this is all a sick joke, or that I was dreaming and you never actually went on a date with this guy. Do you even know who he is now? Or did you just let some stranger into your room last night?" If I wasn't so afraid of her right now, with all the yelling and waving around the three hundred degree flat iron, I would think this is a really sweet and caring moment coming from my best friend..

"He told me who he is; he told me everything this afternoon when he went to his house."

"You went to his house? Is it as magnificent as they say it is?" She dropped her anger for one moment as her celebrity stalker side took over. She was biting her lip and her eyes were alight with wonder.

"It was pretty nice, once I forgot about all of the reporters trying to get a glimpse of him." I said honestly. 

"Wait, this is beside the point. Why did you go to his house?"

"Oh, yeah. Um, I might have had to run away because Jason is a creep and tried to take advantage of my non-existent prostitution services."

"I always did hate Jason." She grimaced. "Fucking sick, weirdo." She mumbled and resumed straightening my hair.

"You've never met Jason?' 

"And now I never want to." She said curtly. "There, all finished." She shut off the flat iron and set it down on the wood vanity. I flipped my head upside down and ran my fingers through my hair, giving it more volume. I stood up straight and smoothed out a few strands before picking out a pair of white heels from under my vanity and slipping them on.

"Are you ready?" Lucy asked from behind me.

"Let me just check to see if I'm preforming tonight." I walked over to the large dry erase board hanging next to Sandy's office door. I wasn't preforming, but in my place was Trish. A smile took over my face as I saw that she was finally getting her big chance. "Okay, I'm ready now." I called over my shoulder. On my way out to the pit, I saw Trish walking towards us and into the room we had just come from.

"Good job, you earned it!" I said patting her on the shoulder. She gave me a questioning glance before she disappeared behind the door marked 'employees only'. A few minutes later, while I was standing by the bar with a few of the girls, we heard a loud squeal that could most likely be heard from space. All of us giggle, knowing she saw the board.

~ ~ ~

"Oh my god, Ginger! How did I do? Do you think it was okay? I was so nervous, this was my first weekend, but I don't think I showed it. What do you think?" Trish was standing at the end of the bar with Kristy and I, her hands were clasped tightly together and she questioned me. Kristy laughed to herself and walked away to take an order from the man snapping his fingers at her. I caught her slight eye roll as she poured top shelf whiskey into a glass. I turned back to Trish and put my hands on her shoulders.

"You did amazing, I saw the whole thing. Everyone did, all eyes were on you! And I heard the name choice. Kitty. I like it, it fits you well." I gave her a wink and she beamed back at me. I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I became Trish's role model. She seemed to look up to me and was always seeking my approval. I didn't mind though, she was a sweet girl and I could tell we would get along just fine.

"Well, I'm off to work the floor. God, this is all so exciting!" She giggled and walked off with a bounce in her step. I laughed shaking my head and took another drink from the bar. I had been delivering drinks all night, and I'm used to this, but my feet were tired. Only two more hours to go.

After I delivered my drink, the man had requested a dance. As I was dancing I scanned the pit, keeping an eye on all of my girls. My eyes roamed over to Kitty, she was standing towards the back of the bar, her back turned to me. But she wasn't dancing, she was just talking. She's not going to make very much money tonight if she just talks to the men. 

I was trying to focus on the man beneath me, but it was hard when Kitty still hadn't walked away from her mystery table. I looked down at my guy again and saw his eyes firmly planted on my chest. At least he hasn't noticed my lack of interest.  My song ended just as she walked back towards the bar with a slight frown on her face. I followed after her to make sure she was alright.

"What's wrong doll? Did he say something creepy to you?"

"Um, Ginger?" Kristy said beside me, placing her hand on my shoulder. 

"Just one sec, Kristy." I said, brushing her off.  "Are you alright Kitty?'

"Yeah. I dropped off that guys drink but he didn't say anything, so I asked if he wanted a dance. He said no." Her gaze lifted from the bar and to my eyes. Her dark brown eyes held a mixture of emotions. Confusion, sorrow, curiosity. My heart constricted for her. Nobody wants to feel unwanted, especially on their first big night.

"Ginger, why didn't he want a dance from me? I mean, I know he's incredibly good looking and really well known, but the way he said no, like I wasn't good enough for him. He is in a strip club for gods sake! It was like he wasn't looking for a stripper, he was just here to hang out. And if it wasn't weird enough, he ordered a water." My body stiffened and I stood straight up. Her face was so sad; I would have pulled her into a hug if it hadn't been for the creepy guys that would make a scene out of it.

"Ginger, maybe you should look at who she is talking about." Kristy said breaking me from my thoughts. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. No wonder he didn't want a dance from her.

"I don't need to look. I already know."

What the fuck.


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