18: Back to Square One

Start from the beginning

"What? I blocked her though," Ryoji replied.

"You idiot! Just because you blocked a number that doesn't mean you can't call that number," Rika answered as she groaned in annoyance.

"Oh, really?" Ryoji asked in surprise, "Cool."

"Gah, just give me your phone," Rika instructed extending her hand out.

"Why?" Ryoji asked curiously. Rika groaned in frustration.

"Just give me your damn phone Ryoji!" Rika ordered as she glared at Ryoji. Ryoji sighed as he handed Rika his phone. "Thank you! God, you'd think I'm dating a 5th grader!" Ryoji scowled at that. Rika sighed as she called Ryohei's number.

"Ryoji?" Ryohei asked in surprise on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's your sister," Rika answered with  a chuckle.

"Oh, hey Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister, "What's up? Why are you calling me on Ryoji's phone? What happened to yours?"

"Whoa, ok, one question at a time," Rika responded. Ryohei sighed.

"Sorry," Ryohei apologized, "So, what's up?"

"Where are you right now?" Rika asked curiously.

"I'm heading to school," Ryohei explained briefly.

"What? How'd you sneak by us?" Rika asked in disbelief.

"Sneak by us?" Ryohei asked in confusion. Ryohei knew exactly who Rika was talking about, but she didn't want Rika to know that she had seen.

"Yeah, me and Ryoji," Rika answered in an obvious tone.

"Wait, Ryoji is there? No wonder you're calling me on his phone," Ryohei replied, "I don't know. I must have woken up earlier because when I came down I didn't see Ryoji there."

"Oh, ok then. Never mind. Just wondering where you were," Rika said with a sigh of relief.

"Well, thanks for checking in," Ryohei thanked Rika with a sigh, "See you at school. Say HI to Ryoji for me."

"Sure. Oh and Ryohei," Rika protested.

"Yeah?" Ryohei asked curiously as she waited for Rika's response.

"I'm sorry I haven't been there for you this week," Rika apologized sincerely. Despite her lust for being the most popular she still cared for her sister in her own twisted way. "I'll try to be a better sister from now on." There was a little pause.

"Thanks Rika. I appreciate it," Ryohei thanked Rika cheerfully, "See you at school. Have fun with Ryoji. Just don't tell me the details because that's always an awkward thing to talk about." Rika stifled a laugh.

"Haha, ok, see you soon," Rika responded as she hung up. Rika smiled in content. It would seem her plan to be the most popular and to make her and her sister closer was working. They were so close when they were younger, but they had grown apart by grade 7 and then they never grew closer. She was happy knowing that maybe that could change.

"You look happy," Ryoji commented as he wrapped his arms around Rika.

"I am," Rika responded with a nod. Ryoji smiled. "Come on. Let's head to school." Ryoji nodded. "Oh and by the way. Ryohei says HI." Ryoji stared at her for a moment before looking away. Rika smirked as she pulled on his hand and together they went out to her car. Ryohei arrived at school quite early, but that was also for a reason. Yu had practice this morning. Ryohei really wanted to watch him in practice again. She hadn't seen him practice for a while. She carried her skateboard under her arm and entered the school. Nobody seemed to be around, except for teachers. She smiled in relief that nobody else was around and she headed to her locker. When she reached her locker she placed her skateboard in her locker before heading to the gymnasium. When she reached the gymnasium she peeked her head in. The basketball team were in the middle of their practice. She snuck in and sat in the bleachers.

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