17: The Fake Apology

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The roads weren't as filled with traffic as they usually are. There seemed to be quite a spread between each car that passed through the intersection. As the last car went the light changed signaling for her to cross. She got up on her skateboard again and started to cross. As she skateboarded across a car skidded around the corner. The car was going way above the speed limit. A group of boys were cheering and yelling. They seemed to be having a race along with a motorcycle that drove right beside them. Ryohei didn't seem to notice the car as she continued.

"Faster! He's gaining!" A male voice yelled cheering on the driver. The sound of the male voice and the sound of the engine of a car approaching made Ryohei look up in confusion. Before she was able to process or see who it was the car came rushing towards her. She did notice, however, that there were 4 boys in the car and none of them were looking ahead.

"Look out!" The boy on the motorcycle exclaimed as he pointed at Ryohei. The boys in the car looked ahead. The driver quickly put on the breaks, but it was too late. The car didn't break fast enough and the front collided with Ryohei. Ryohei went flying backwards and slammed into a nearby tree.

"Next time move out of the f***ing road dude!" One of them called out to her. They all laughed as the driver stepped on the gas. Ryohei coughed and spat out blood. Her nose was bleeding and she had a long tree branch jabbed in her stomach. She groaned in pain as she quickly pulled out the branch and used the tree to stand herself back. She hobbled out into the road again with her skateboard under her arm. She had taken her hood off. She stared at the back of the car and the motorcycle. Her eyes went wide when she recognized the boys in the car and on the motorcycle. She stared in horror and pain.

"Guys, I hit someone. Man, this is really bad," Yu said in a panicked voice.

"Yu, would you calm down? It wasn't your fault. That guy was out in the street," Ryoji responded with a sigh.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't even looking at the road and I had a red light," Yu replied as he leaned his head back, "That guy had the right of way." Akira had been looking back the whole time. He had seen the hooded guy go flying into a tree and then stand back up. He kept glancing back to see the guy had removed his hood. He squinted his eyes. The guy's features became slightly clearer, but not much. His eyes widened when his vision made out a girl standing in the middle of the road, staring at their car.

"Well, I think you actually hit a girl Yu," Akira remarked.

"What?!" Yu asked in shock as he hit the steering wheel, "S***, I'm in so f***ing trouble. I told you guys that racing wasn't a good idea, but did you listen to me? No because you never listen to a damn thing that I ever say! If I get my license suspended you are all paying me for a new car or have fun taking the bus to school and home from now on!" The others stared at him in surprise.

"Sorry man," Rei apologized placing his hand on Yu's shoulder. Yu sighed heavily. Akira hadn't been paying attention. He kept staring at the girl who they had hit. Her features stood out quite a bit despite how far away they were getting. His eyes slightly widened when he stared at the girl.

"Ryohei?" Akira asked in a low voice. Before he could get a better look, the girl turned away and got on her skateboard before heading in the other direction.

"What are you babbling about now Akira?" Ryoji asked curiously. Akira turned around and sat back down with a confused expression.

"I could have sworn I just saw Ryohei standing there in the road," Akira responded with a shrug, "I could have been wrong though." The others glanced at each other. After hearing Ryohei's name their thoughts went immediately to what Rika had told them yesterday. Their expressions all hardened.

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